Page 12 - 7.3 Section 106
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Lower Thames Crossing – 7.3 Section 106 Agreements – Heads of Terms
7.1 Overview
Volume 7
7.1.1 This section sets out substantive details of the obligations that National Highways considers appropriate. As aforementioned, these obligations should be considered alongside the DCO requirements and other control documents included in the DCO application to give a complete picture as to how the implementation of the DCO will be governed.
7.1.2 National Highways will continue to develop the details of these obligations in consultation with the local authorities.
7.1.3 National Highways has had regard to the policies within the NPSNN and NPS EN-1 in the preparation of these Heads of Terms and rationale for each obligation is provided in Appendix A – Compliance Statement of this document.
7.2 Skills, Education and Employment
7.2.1 National Highways will undertake best endeavours to implement the principles and measures set out within the Skills, Education and Employment Strategy ('the SEE Strategy') (included at Appendix B), which sets out how measures would enable the skills, education and employment opportunities associated with the Project to be realised. The SEE Strategy is to be updated every two years to ensure it responds to changing needs and priorities.
7.2.2 The overarching objectives the SEE Strategy are to:
a. Create a skills legacy – Address the skills gap, create a higher skilled community and change training standards for building low carbon infrastructure.
b. Bring people closer to jobs – Create life changing opportunities for local people through new inclusive jobs and placements.
c. Inspire future careers – Assemble the next generation of talent through affective engagement with local students and educators.
d. Support business growth – Provide local businesses and SMEs with the tools to win new work and maximise economic benefits during and after construction.
7.2.3 To achieve the skills legacy, National Highways shall require its Delivery Partners and supply chain partners to use best endeavours to:
a. achieve a target of at least 20% of employees to be local people who usually reside within Gravesham, Medway, Thurrock, Havering and Brentwood immediately prior to obtaining work on the Project, and continue to do so on starting work on the Project;
Planning Inspectorate Scheme Ref: TR010032 Application Document Ref: TR010032/APP/7.3 DATE: October 2022
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