Page 24 - 366089 LP246226 In and Around Magazine 52pp A5 (September 2022)
P. 24
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Hibernation in Tortoises
Poor hibernation is a major cause of illness and diseases in tortoises – and may not be obvious until many years down the line!
Poor technique before, during and after hibernation can be fatal. Here are some basic pointers:
Is your tortoise a species which hibernates (not all do!) and are they old enough to hibernate (at least 5!)?
How long does your tortoise hibernate for (Horsfields should hibernate for 8weeks; Hermanns for 12)
Pre-Hibernation (September-November)
• Get a vet check! Include a faecal test for parasites and x-ray females to check for eggs
• Spend four weeks winding down – bathing daily for - 2weeks, then reduce as cool slowly
• Weigh them – get a baseline
• Control the temperatures – between 3 and 6 degrees
(lower causes tissue damage, >10degrees they starve): not the garage or in the garden!
• Use a tortoise fridge –
alarms with no freezer compartment
• In a Tupperware with kitchen towel / newspaper to check for excretions
• Keep water bottles in the fridge – they work better when full!
• Check daily for movement or passing faeces/urine/urates
• Weigh weekly – if lose 10% of their original weight – wake them up!
• Bring to room temperature until moving – then under heat lamp
• Bathe in warm water once they can hold their head up
• Feed as soon as passed urates
• If not eaten or passed urates after 7 days – needs to see the vet!
Please start thinking about booking a pre-hibernation check with our team who can discuss all this in greater detail!
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