Page 14 - Washington Buyers Guide - SKAGIT County_FINAL_Neat
P. 14

Common Ways of HOLDING TITLE

             SOLE JOINT                                 COMMUNITY TENANCY IN PARTNERSHIP/
             OWNERSHIP TENANCY                          PROPERTY COMMON                            LLC

Parties      Individual home       Any number of        Married persons      Any number of         Related or
             buyer                 persons              or registered        persons               unrelated parties
                                                        domestic partners

Division     Individual holds      Jointly own one and  Ownership            Ownership can         Partnership/LLC
of Interest  all interest in the   the same interest,   interests are        be divided into       holds title
             property              not undivided        equal                any number of
                                   interests                                 interests, equal or

Conveyance   Owner has sole right  All owners must      Both owners          Individual coowners   Partnership/LLC
             to use and dispose    agree on use and     must agree on        do not                sets parameters
             of property           disposition of       use and disposition  need the consent      for use and
                                   property             of property, the     of others to          disposition of
                                                        interests cannot     use or dispose of     property
                                                        be sold separately   individual interests

Death        Property passes       Property passes      Half interest        Individual’s          Interest of the
             to heir(s) or         to survivor(s)       retained by the      interest passes       individual passes
             devisee(s)            without going        survivor and         to heir(s) or         to heir(s) or
             through probate       through probate      half to heir(s) or   devisee(s)            devisee(s) which
                                                        devisee(s)           through probate       would become
                                                        through probate                            partner(s)/

Remember there are many dierent ways in which owners can hold title. Don’t hesitate to call your title ocer to
discuss the best option for your circumstance.

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