Page 15 - Tulares-King Buyer's Guide
P. 15


Understanding Your Escrow Transaction

                Buyer                  Start                                   Seller
          Selects a realtor                                              Selects a Realtor
  Buyer Gets pre-approved by        Buyer Selects home and         Seller Reviews and accepts
    Lender if new loan needed      submits contract with Loan           contract from Buyer
     Buyer Views home with                                               Escrow opened and
                                        Status Report (LSR)         preliminary report ordered
               Realtor            Various inspections ordered        Seller completes SI form,
      Inspection reports sent                                    Furpta & Tax Withholding form
  to applicable party, reviewed      Appraisal ordered by &     Buyer Advises Escrow Company
   Preliminary report received        completed for Lender        of home insurance company
     and approved by Buyer         Loan documents prepared         Buyer
  Closing documents compiled       by Lender & sent to Escrow         approval from Lender
                                 Buyer Deposits required funds     Loan documents returned
        by Escrow Company               Lender “funds loan”            to Lender for review
   Separate appointments set:        (sends funds to escrow)       Escrow Company ensures
 Buyer & Seller sign documents        Buyer Receives keys            all contract conditions
                                                                          have been met
       Documents recorded                  from Realtor              Final documents sent
         and escrow closed                                            to interested parties

Escrow Company disburses funds

                                                                Strength | Expertise | Service  15
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20