Page 3 - King/Pierce County Chinese Buyers Information Guide
P. 3


          1.     We Speak Your Language      我们说您的语言

          2.     ALTA Homeowner’s Policy ALTA                       私房屋主保险单

          3.     Title Policy Comparison    业主保单对照

          4.     Common Ways of Holding Title    常见产权拥有法

          5.     Common Deeds    普通契约

          6.     Red Flags on Preliminary Report     审核产权时的注意事项

          7.     What happens in Escrow     过户公证过程

          8. Life of an Escrow     过户公证周期

          9.    Tips to a Smooth Closing   有关托管终止的小贴士

          10. Your Appointment    您的预约

          11.    Understanding FIRPTA    了解 FIRPTA - 外国人投资房地产税法案
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