Page 20 - Kern County Buyers' Guide
P. 20

ING Checklist

Whether moving across the street or across      PETS
the country, the Moving Checklist is a handy
reminder of things to do and people to inform   ☐☐ Ask about regulations for licenses,
regarding your new location.                       vaccinations, tags, etc.

ADDRESS CHANGE                                  SCHOOLS

☐☐ Give forwarding address to post office 2 to  ☐☐ Get school transcripts (some districts require
    3 weeks before moving                          that they be sent directly from the prior school)

☐☐ Change charge accounts, credit cards         UTILITY COMPANIES
☐☐ Subscriptions: Notice requires 6 to 8 weeks
☐☐ Friends and relatives                        ☐☐ Notify gas, electric, water, telephone, fuel,
                                                   and garbage companies
                                                ☐☐ Get refunds on any deposits made
☐☐ Transfer funds, arrange check-cashing        ☐☐ Return cable boxes
    in new city
                                                DON’T FORGET TO:
☐☐ Arrange credit references
                                                ☐☐ Carry enough cash or traveler’s checks to cover
INSURANCE                                          cost of moving services and expenses until you
                                                   make banking connections in new city
☐☐ Notify company of new location for
    coverages: life, health, fire and auto      ☐☐ Carry jewelry and documents yourself, or use
                                                   registered mail
☐☐ Make sure home owners’ coverage for your
    new house is in place                       ☐☐ Double check closets, drawers, shelves to be
                                                   sure they are empty
                                                ☐☐ Leave old keys, garage door openers, broiler
☐☐ Ask doctor and dentist for referrals,           pans, house plans and instruction manuals
    transfer needed for prescriptions,             needed by new owner with real estate agent
    eyeglasses, x-rays
                                                ☐☐ Have new address recorded on driver’s license
☐☐ Obtain birth records, medical records, etc.     and car registration
☐☐ Arrange for medical services: doctor,
                                                ☐☐ Visit city offices and register to vote
    dental, veterinarian, etc.

                                                Strength | Expertise | Service  20
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25