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What happens when you let our
AI Assistant do the work?
How to Democratize Contract Review
Step 1: Hire a brilliant AI executive assistant from Strategen who
does the dirty work at a speed and level of expertise no human can
match, while you work on other equally pressing human-focused
tasks. Consider the following:
● An executive assistant works tirelessly 24/7, never takes a day
off and never gets hangry.
● An executive assistant enables operations staff to participate
fully and equally in the review process.
● An executive assistant reviews and scores all contracts and
RFPs equally so you avoid unnecessary disputes.
Step 2: There is no Step 2 ● The time it takes to review a contract drops by about
● Your legal and staff costs drop by about 75% due to
automation and risk reduction due to the depth and
clarity of the review
“Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change
● A much-desired improvement in productivity and
their minds cannot change anything.” employee engagement.
- George Bernard Shaw
Best of all, you get to go home at the end of the day feeling
that you contributed something good to your team and your