Page 8 - Strategen Analytics Brochure
P. 8

A Swiss Army Knife Approach

                                                        Instead of just looking at     Our way of analyzing things is   This approach gives us a full
                                                        contract details using the     superior at spotting         and accurate picture of the
                                                        same method for all types of   complicated patterns that a   contracts we study. It lets us
                                                        contracts, our approach looks   simpler, one-size-fits-all   see how these different
                                                        at many different factors at   method would probably        factors affect each other. For
                                                        once. This includes the type of   overlook. By looking at the   instance, we can explore how
                                                        agreement, the legal area it   information from several     the laws of a place influence a
                                                        belongs to, and certain words   angles, our company,        contract or which terms are
                                                        that are important to          Strategen, can find subtle   often seen in certain types of
                                                        particular sectors.            trends and patterns that help   agreements. This helps us
                                                                                       us make smarter decisions.   find deeper and more
                                                                                                                    connected insights.
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