Page 7 - Contract AI
P. 7

Leveling the Playing Field

                                                                                                 Strategen’s contract review assistant is provided

                                                                                                 as a service to you and requires no infrastructure
                                                                                                 changes and no training. All that is required is a
                                                                                                 subscription to our service and an email address.

                                                                                                 Your information is kept private, even from us, as
                                                                                                 we only know that you submitted a document

                                                                                                 that was X pages long on such and such a date
                                                                                                 and time and a report was returned soon after

                                                                                                 on  X date and time. Should you wish us to
                                                                                                 review the report to discuss its findings or

                                                                                                 implications, you must provide permission. On-
                                                                                                 site or other data residency implementations can

                                                                                                 be arranged for highly sensitive applications.
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