Page 96 - Full book_Neat
P. 96

Ammachy                                          to thank her
        encouraged                                          for all that
        her children                                        she has done
        to always                                           and contin-
        keep their                                          ues to do for
        word and                                            us. We love
        lead a life                                         her and can’t
        of dignity.                                         wait  to  see
        She showed                                          her in per-
        them how                                            son again!
        to be gener-
        ous and give                                              Reena
        without expecting anything in         D/o Georgekutty, California, USA
        return. She set an example on how                         Chris
        to forgive easily and always live a          H/o Reena, Kallooppara,
        life of gratitude.                   Varaputharaj Family, Kallooppara,
           I aspire to be like her. I hope to              California, USA
        raise my daughter to be like her.                           Ava
        I would like to take this occasion                      D/o Reena

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