Page 20 - Insurance Times August 2023
P. 20

Emerging Asia to drive glo-       growth remain skewed to the down-  dynamically as the technological, geo-
                                            side.                              political and social changes in  the
          bal economic growth, says                                            world today.
                                            Global economic growth is largely sup-
          Swiss Re                          ported by emerging Asian markets,  One key emerging risk identified in the
          Emerging Asia is expected to be the  including countries such as India, Thai-  SONAR report that spans across tech-
          main contributor to global economic  land, Indonesia and Malaysia, which  nological, economic, social and envi-
          growth in the coming years, according  are set to boom in the coming years.  ronmental issues is the "Arctic open-
          to Swiss Re Institute's latest sigma re-  Given  the  reopening  of  China's  ing". As the Arctic Ocean and adjacent
          port. With the reopening of China's  economy from lockdowns in December  land are  warming up two to three
          economy this year leading to a recov-  last year, China is forecast to be one  times faster than the rest of the globe,
                                            of the few countries to register stron-  the ice is melting, and new shortcut
          ery in demand,  Swiss Re  forecasts
                                            ger growth this year than in 2022, es-  shipping routes are opening up. How-
          emerging Asia  to grow  by 5.4%  in
                                            timated at 5.4%.                   ever, the area is a hotspot for poten-
          2023/24. Inflation remains the top glo-
                                                                               tial geopolitical tension, provoking con-
          bal macroeconomic concern.        "In prior episodes of recovery in China,
                                                                               cerns over how economic activities and
                                            growth was mostly investment-led but
          "With inflation pressures still persis-
                                                                               related risks will be controlled in the
                                            we expect it to be driven by domestic
          tent, hard market conditions in non life                             region.
                                            consumption this year, especially from
          business are set to continue as insur-
                                            the service sector. Hence, higher de-  Patrick Raaflaub, Swiss Re's Group
          ers offset elevated claims costs with
                                            mand in China does not reverse our  Chief Risk Officer, says: "The concurrent
          higher  premium  prices.  Once
                                            baseline outlook of global disinflation.  increases in economic interests, envi-
          disinflation takes hold with prices de-
                                            This year's recovery in China will have  ronmental  change and geopolitical
          creasing, less expensive claims and
                                            limited spill over impact on the global  tensions make the Arctic a hotbed for
          greater returns from interest rate sen-
                                            economy," said Li Xing, Head of Insur-  emerging risks and potential risk accu-
          sitive investments should further sup-
                                            ance Market Analysis at Swiss Re.  mulation.  With  SONAR,  we aim to
          port industry profitability," said Jérôme
                                                                               proactively engage our clients and in-
          Haegeli, Swiss Re's Group Chief Econo-
                                            Swiss  Re identifies new           dustry stakeholders in discussion of
                                                                               emerging risks, as we find this is the
                                            emerging risks
          Swiss Re's global economic growth fore-                              best way to be prepared."
          casts are below consensus at 2.3% this  From the opening-up of previously fro-
                                                                               A more futuristic but potentially signifi-
          year and 2.3% in 2024. The cumulative  zen waterways in the Arctic to hack-
                                                                               cant risk examined by SONAR is solar
          effect of over 18 months of rising in-  ers tampering with artificial intelli-
                                                                               radiation management (SRM) technol-
          terest rates, deteriorating credit con-  gence, the emerging risk landscape is
                                                                               ogy, which could be used to cool the
          ditions and further central balance  multi-faceted. The 11th  edition of
                                                                               earth. While this does not address the
          sheet  reductions  will  continue  to  Swiss Re's SONAR report reveals that
                                                                               root cause of global warming, namely
          dampen growth prospects. The risks to  the threats on the horizon develop as
            16     August 2023   The Insurance Times
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