Page 7 - Insurance Times August 2023
P. 7

Odisha tragedy: Only 30%           ance cover. Those who reserved tick-
           Govt proposes 3rd-party
                                                                               ets through IRCTC booking portal can
                                            opted for world's cheap-
           motor insurance premi-                                              opt for accident insurance for Rs 10
                                            est travel insurance               lakhs by paying a paltry premium of Re
                                            With only a small number of passengers  0.35 paise.
           The government  proposed  new
                                            of two ill-fated trains involved in the  The policy covers death/disabilities/
           base premium rates for third-party
                                            June 2 Odisha tragedy seems to have  medical expenses due to a train acci-
           motor  insurance for different cat-
                                            opted for the Rs 10  lakhs  insurance  dent during the travel.
           egories of vehicles, including two-
                                            cover by paying just Re.035 paise and
           wheelers, passenger cars, and com-                                  Both the companies declined to answer
                                            now it is time for the Centre to bundle
           mercial vehicles, for 2023-24 fiscal                                as to how the number of policies are
                                            the cover with all the tickets booked
           year.                                                               divided  between  the  two  insurers
                                            through the Indian Railway Catering
                                                                               when the tickets are booked.
           According to a draft notification is-  and Tourism Corporation Ltd's (IRCTC)
           sued by the Ministry of Road Trans-  online portal, said insurance profes-
           port and Highways (MoRTH), the   sionals.                           General  Insurers  face
           base premium rates for Motor Third  As per the initial indications, only a tough choice on pushing
           Party Insurance Cover have been
                                            small number of passengers of the two
           proposed at Rs 2,094 for private cars                               growth  and  sustaining
                                            passenger trains have opted for the
           below 1,000  cc, Rs  3,416 for cars  travel accident insurance cover while margins
           (between 1000-1500 cc), and Rs   booking through the IRCTC portal.  The country's general insurance com-
           7,897 for cars exceeding 1500 cc.
                                            Replying to a list of questions sent to  panies are currently grappling with a
           The draft Motor Third  Party Pre-  SBI General Insurance's Managing Di-  crucial dilemma  between  pursuing
           mium and Liability Rules for the Fi-  rector and  Chief Executive Officer  growth and maintaining profitability at
           nancial Year (FY) 2023-24 has been  (CEO) Kishore Kumar Poludasu, a com-  a time when they are allowed to spend
           prepared in consultation with Insur-  pany spokesperson told: "As per data  more on operating expenses even as
           ance Regulatory and Development  available, SBI General has covered 351  their margins have been narrowing.
           Authority of India (IRDAI), the min-  passengers."
                                                                               In the fiscal year 2023, the combined
           istry said.
                                            According to the SBI General Insur-  ratio - an indicator of profitability,
           For two-wheelers not exceeding 75  ance official, a few claims for injury  which is calculated by measuring the
           cc, the rates have been proposed at  have been lodged with the company  sum of incurred losses and operating
           Rs 538, while for two-wheelers up  by the passengers of the two trains.  expenses as a percentage of earned
           to 350 cc and above the proposed                                    premium - rose for almost all general
                                            The IRCTC has  selected  SBI General
           rates vary in the range of Rs 714 and  Insurance and Liberty General Insur-  insurers.
           Rs 2,804.                        ance to offer the travel accident insur-  If the combined ratio is below 100%,

                                                                        The Insurance Times  August 2023    7
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