Page 11 - Insurance Times May 2020
P. 11
Health Insurance
Silent' COVID-19 more tion control measures were immedi- istration of the insurance. Only one
ately implemented, including confining person will be covered under the insur-
widespread than thought passengers to their cabins and the use ance policy, as per the terms and con-
A new cruise ship study suggests that of personal protective equipment by ditions decided by the company.
the number of people who are infected any crew member in contact with sick
with the new coronavirus but have no passengers. The ship arrived in Uru- Aegon Life launches 1-year
symptoms may be much higher than guay on day 13, where eight passen-
believed. More than 80% of those who gers and crew eventually required term insurance with
tested positive for the infection had no medical evacuation to hospital for COVID-19 cover.
symptoms, according to the study pub- COVID-19-related respiratory failure.
lished online May 27 in the journal Aegon Life has launched a term life in-
surance with a COVID-19 cover for
Thorax. Amazon India to Offer hospitalisation expenses up to Rs 1 lakh
The findings could be important as Free COVID-19 Health In- which can be bought on the Flipkart app.
lockdown restrictions begin to be The policy is issued only for 1 year. This
eased, and they highlight the need for surance to Sellers means that both the COVID-19 cover and
accurate data on how many people Amazon India announced that it is pro- term insurance will expire after one year
worldwide have been infected, journal viding free COVID-19 health insurance from the date of purchase of the policy.
joint editor-in-chief Alan Smyth said in to all its sellers in the country. The in- Also, it is a term insurance cover, so there
a linked blog. surance will cover COVID-19 is no maturity benefit or survival benefit
hospitalisation and treatment as well as
The study focused on a ship with 128 payable to you on the coverage expiry
passengers and 95 crew that left Ar- ambulance assistance and ICU charges date of the policy.
gentina in mid-March for a planned 21- of up to Rs. 50,000 for one year, the e-
day cruise of the Antarctic. The voyage commerce giant said in a press state- yN5tOh062020 The policy is not avail-
ment. The company has partnered with
began after the World Health Organi- able for senior citizens as only those
insurance company Acko General Insur-
zation (WHO) had declared the new ance to manage the policy delivery and aged between 18 years and 50 years
coronavirus a global pandemic. can buy this policy. According to the
handling of claims and reimbursements.
Passengers who in the previous three The insurance premium will be fully press release, this launch is aimed to
weeks had been in countries where funded by Amazon India. provide Flipkart customers with a com-
coronavirus infection rates were high This will be available for Amazon sell- prehensive insurance cover against
were not allowed to board. All passen- COVID-19, that can be availed on the
ers who had an active product listing e-commerce company's app instantly
gers who were allowed to board had
on the site between Janu- along with the base life insurance plan.
their temperature taken before em- ary 2019 and May 26, 2020. Amazon
barkation, and the ship had numerous will provide a seven-day enrolment This cover supports the policyholder by
hand sanitizing stations, particularly in window to let sellers enrol themselves covering hospitalisation costs of up to
Rs 1 lakh on minimum 24 consecutive
the dining room.
by providing their particulars and KYC hours of hospitalisation on the first di-
After the first case of fever was re- documents. Sellers will not be required agnosis of COVID-19, along with death
ported on day 8 of the voyage, infec- to take any medical tests for the reg- benefit from the life cover. T
The Insurance Times, May 2020 11