P. 33

the  policy  is  determined  taking  into  consideration  the  specific  situation  and  requirements  of  the
               customer. A new plan can effectively be created by combining two or more plans. In the case of group
               insurance or big business with corporate bodies, the premium and benefits are subject to negotiation.

               The core product offered by all insurers will practically be the same. The differentiation and consequent
               competitive advantage will be in the peripherals. The core is the event, or the risks, insured against. No
               insurer  has  an  exclusive  privilege  to  cover  any  one  kind  of  risk.  An  insurer  may  find  it  feasible  to
               specialize  in  a  kind  of  risk,  which  other  insurers  may  refrain  from.  That  would  not  be  because  they
               cannot. It would be because they do not want to. Health insurance is one such example.

               When the risk covered is the same, the peripherals that make the differentiation will be found in the
               delivery system. The 'delivery system refers to the arrangements made by which the customer would be
               able to (i) access and purchase the service on offer as well as (ii) receive the benefits of the service after
               purchase. The former would be the distribution system and the latter would be reflected in the after-
               sales service and the claims procedures. These are difficult to copy and replicate, as they are based on
               the culture and management practices.

               The customers in banks operate savings bank accounts. Peripherals are in speed with which deposits
               and cash withdrawals happen, credit for cheques deposited, ability to operate account without going to
               the  premises  of  the  bank  and  so  on.  It  might  appear  that  if  one  bank  can  do  it,  so  can  any  other.
               Theoretically, this is so. But in practice, it depends on the skills and attitudes of the personnel, as well as
               the systems in place. All banks do not issue credit cards.

               (b) Product Range – Breadth and Depth

                   1.  While designing and offering a service product, the following factors have to be taken into
                     The market segment being catered to.
                     The needs that will be satisfied by the core product.
                     What should be the mix of the various elements in the product.
                     Extent of augmentation.
                     Extent of differentiation with other products.
                     Extent of customization.
                     Availability of technology.
                     Arrangements for delivery of the proposed service.

               (c) Developing a Product

                   1.  The steps in developing a service product are

                     Determine what the customer values as benefit (Benefit concept)
                     Determine which of these benefits could be offered (Service concept)
                     Decide on the precise Service offer in which includes form and levels of the benefits to be
                      offered and

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