Page 40 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 40



         INTEGRAL TO



         E        ven before the pandemic hit, the global economy  Risk competency is rarely seen as important for non-

                                                              managerial professions. However, this is a shortsighted view
                  was rapidly evolving, with technological innovation
                                                              that is based on a limited understanding of risk management.
                  and changing geopolitical realities driving the
                  transformation. Covid-19 has accelerated the need
                                                              uncertainty. The ability to identify, assess, and mitigate these
         for Indian businesses to develop a conscious approach to  In practice, every profession contains varying degrees of
         Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), given that it is vital, not  risks is vital in any profession.
         only for dealing with emerging uncertainties, but also for
         proper allocation of resources, and organisational growth.  Hence, it is time we shifted focus towards resilience-based
                                                              education across different disciplines, as the future is laced
         As we gradually move towards post-pandemic normalcy and  with myriad uncertainties.
         work towards revitalising our economy, we will need greater
                                                              The recently released sixth assessment report from the United
         risk intelligence among professionals across industries, to
         make India, its economy and corporations resilient enough  Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
         to face future crises.                               has once again firmly put a lens on the reality of climate
                                                              change and its manifold impact on the lives of nations and
         To reach this goal, it is important that we facilitate ERM  citizens across continents.
         education from a very early stage, preferably through higher
                                                              Nobody is being spared by the rapidly changing and
         education curriculum. This will also be in line with the aim of
         developing multidisciplinary abilities among students, as  increasingly fragile ecosystem .
         outlined in the National Education Policy 2020.
                                                              In the 21st century, every profession and industry will have to
         Resilience-based education                           work within the ever-changing environment. Hence risk,
                                                              resilience and responsibility are vital focus areas that need to
         When it comes to higher and technical education, the  be nurtured during the formative years of students in the
         emphasis has traditionally been on management and    higher education system.
         leadership training.
                                                              Leading through a crisis
         This has often led to skewed understanding, where a lot of
         stress is laid on pursuing opportunities, without considering  The role of leadership has also undergone a steady
         the risks associated with them.                      transformation. The pandemic required business leaders to
                                                              quickly adapt to new technologies, in the face of a highly
         As a result, even our business graduates lack a well-rounded  volatile environment.
         enterprise risk perspective.
                                                              Even as normalcy has returned in some small measure, the
         In streams such as sciences, humanities, engineering, or  challenge lies in ensuring that we can stay agile in a changing
         medicine, risk management is completely ignored.     global situation.

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