Page 5 - Insurance Times November 2021
P. 5

General Insurance


         Digit Insurance to use             AIG has been at the forefront and  the customers to provide enhanced
                                            closely associated with the Drone Fed-  customer delight,'  a company press
         funds to grow market               eration of India to understand the dif-  release said.
         share                              ferent types of risks faced by drone  Further, in consonance with the Digi-
         Digit Insurance, which recently raised  owners and operators. Tata AIG's RPAS  tal India initiative of the government
         funds at a valuation of $3.5 billion, is  Insurance is a comprehensive product  of India, Oriental Insurance is also
         seeing an opportunity to scale up busi-  covering both resolved and third-party  launching 'customer-centric online
         ness in the current fiscal as several in-  liability risks. Tata AIG's RPAS Insur-  products for a better customer expe-
         surers are facing capital constraints in  ance also provides optional coverage  rience.'
         the wake of adverse claim ratios. With  for BVLOS operations, night flight,
         capital at nearly thrice the statutory  data loss liability, etc."    Registration renewal of
         requirement, the company also has  With the influx of new and exciting
         tech infrastructure to support growth.  drone technologies and recent policy  vehicles over 15 years old
                                            changes in India, the already highly to cost 8 times more
         The private insurer, which is already
         ranked 15th among the 30 non-life  active community of drone manufac-  Owners of cars that are more than 15
         companies (including health), has re-  turers, tech startups and enthusiasts  years old will have to shell out eight
         corded a gross written premium of Rs  are excited to make India a drone hub  times more money to renew their reg-
         2,196 crore for the first half of FY22,  by 2030.                     istration, according to a notification
         which is 67% more than the same pe-                                   issued by the Ministry of Road Trans-
         riod of the previous fiscal. Currently, Oriental Insurance cel-       port and Highways, as the Centre pre-
         around 55% of its premium comes from  ebrates the company's           pares ground to phase out old and
         motor insurance.                                                      polluting vehicles in line with the na-
                                            75th Foundation Day                tional vehicle scrappage policy.
         Tata AIG to launch RPAS            To mark its 75th foundation year, Ori-  According to the notification, these

         insurance                          ental Insurance Company celebrated  rules may be called the Central Motor
                                            the occasion by carrying out Covid test
         Tata AIG General Insurance Company                                    Vehicles (23rd Amendment) Rules,
         Limited announced the launch of Re-  and vaccination drive, besides health  2021, and shall come into force with
         motely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS)  check-up, at its headquarters and of-  effect from April 1, 2022.
         insurance and distribution tie-up with  fices across the country.     Registration renewal of a 15-year-old
         deep-tech startup Tropogo. Tropogo  These activities were carried out at  car will now cost Rs 5,000, compared
         has established an integrated market-  the organisations' Regional/Operating  to the existing fee of Rs 600. For mo-
         place that provides a one-stop shop for  Offices all over India.      tor bikes that are more than 15 years
         the entire drone ecosystem.
                                            'In the 75th year of its existence, the  old, the renewal charge will now be Rs
         According to the press release, "Tata  Company will focus on connecting with  1,000, compared to the existing Rs

                                                                      The Insurance Times, November 2021     5
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