Page 34 - Insurance Times February 2021
P. 34

The report comprehensively covers the market by types,  Guideline  No  285/2010  that provides  that  an  aircraft
         applications, and regions. The report provides an unbiased  operator (including UAS) flying over the territory of executive
         and detailed analysis of the on-going trends, market share,  committee member state should have an insurance cover
         opportunities/high growth areas, and market drivers which  which is dependent on Maximum Take Off Mass (MTOM) of
         would help the stakeholders to device and align their market  the aircraft  concerned.  For  MTOM  of  up  to  500  kg,
         strategies according to the current and future market  minimum insurance requirement in Special Drawing Rights
         dynamics. The increasing use of UAVs in various commercial  (SDR) terms is 0.75 million (i.e. equivalent to Rs 7.5 crore).
         applications, such as monitoring, surveying & mapping,  In India, as the drone usage being in the nascent stages,
         precision agriculture, aerial remote sensing, and product  we expect the weight of the drones in the market to be
         delivery, is also contributing to the growth of the UAV  much lesser than 500 kg (may be less than 25 kg) and hence
         market.                                              we may look at liability limits lower than the European
         The structured basis formula payment:

         According to the working group, the structured basis  Drones  are  playing  a  significant  role  in  the  current
         formula payment on 'No Fault Liability' can be considered  coronavirus situation, assisting various authorities in several
         while  designing the  insurance  product.  However,  the  activities. Draft drone rules propose to mandate insurance
         unlimited legal recourse brings in an element of uncertainty  cover for drones to be eligible to operate. HDFC Ergo
         in determining the exposures which are a key concern to  recently launched a dedicated drone insurance product, but
         insurers  and  re-insurers  in supporting  this  promising  that remains the only product specifically developed for
         technology and developing the drone insurance ecosystem  drone liability cover so far. The draft says that no drone can
         within the country. The group has recommended that the  be operated in India without having a valid third party
         third party liability insurance be in line with aircraft/aviation  insurance policy to cover the liability that may arise during
         liability as is the practice in the developed nations.  mishaps, causing death or bodily injury to any person or
                                                              damage to property.
         Based on the discussions with few insurers and re-insurers,
         we understand that they  (insurers  & re-insurers) are  Industry estimates suggest that over 330,000 units of drones
         interested in providing a Comprehensive Insurance Cover i.e.  have been sold so far in India on a commercial basis. During
         both Hull (drone body) and third party liability rather than  the Covid -19 pandemic, drones are being used in India to
         stand-alone liability cover or Hull (drone body). While the  check whether people are following social distancing norms.
         group wants the global practice to be followed in the case  Apart from this, drones are also being used in infrastructure
         of third party liability, it wants to deviate from the global  and engineering sectors to monitor ongoing projects and for
         norms on arriving at the third party liability limit arising out  topographic surveys. In the agriculture sector, drones are
         of drone operations. It referred to the European Union  being used to monitor crop yields and damage due to natural
                                                                       The  Insurance Times, February 2021
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