Page 59 - Insurance Times December 2020
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vehicle in a head-on collision, killing all four passengers in  building would not have a 15th floor, and offered to allot
          it. Both farmers died on the spot. The truck driver fled the  another flat. This offer was not accepted because the flat
          scene.                                              on the 15th floor was specifically chosen by paying a pref-
          The insurance company had denied the claims for compen-  erential location charge. The company sought a refund
          sation and said that the negligence was not on the part of  along with 21 per cent interest. The builder was willing to
          the truck driver, but on the part of the car driver.  give a refund but refused to pay any interest. So, Aerostar
                                                              filed a complaint before the National Commission.
          A police inspector who had lodged the FIR in the case de-
          posed before the Tribunal and concluded his evidence stat-  Aerostar argued that it was entitled to a higher rate of
          ing that the accident was caused due to negligence of the  interest to compensate for the escalation in the price of
          truck driver. He also told the Tribunal that the truck driver  the flat, as observed by the Supreme Court in Ghaziabad
          had fled leaving the dead and injured at the spot without  Development Authority vs Balbir Singh. It was also pointed
          medical aid. Noting this conduct of the driver immediately  out that the agreement stipulated that 18 per cent inter-
          after the accident, the Tribunal said that if he had been  est would be payable by the purchaser to the builder in case
          innocent, he would not have done so. It concluded that the  of delay in payment, so the minimum interest for default
          mishap took place due to the negligence of the truck driver.  by the builder must correspond to the same rate of 18 per
                                                              cent per annum.
          Tribunal member HB Hedaoo while calculating the compen-
          sation for the farmers said that one must put himself in the  The builder contested the case, questioning the maintain-
          position of the Indian farmer as only the wearer knows  ability of the complaint by a company under the Consumer
          where the shoe pinches. The compensation in matters of  Protection Act. On merits, the builder relied on the book-
          death of farmers needs to be decided with some sensitiv-  ing application and the agreement in which it was men-
          ity, if not with emotions, with a good blend of law, he said.  tioned that if possession could not be given for any reason,
                                                              an alternative flat could be allotted, or the entire amount
          Calculating the compensation on the basis of the earnings  would be refunded without damages, interest or compen-
          from produce from the farmers' land and the crops they  sation. The builder pointed out that the agreement also
          grew, the tribunal said it would be an unjust and inappro-  provided for a grace period of six months, and that an al-
          priate approach to calculate compensation only on a no-  ternative apartment was offered before the expiry of this
          tional income of the labour the farmer was rendering on  period, so there was no deficiency in service.
          his own farm and ignore what he was earning from his field
          property. Further it stated that it is painful and disturbing  The National Commission observed that a company would
          that as compared to the case of death of a middleman or  also be a consumer in respect of goods or services purchased
          trader in farm production, the compensation would have  for its own use and not for trading or profit generation. So,
          been calculated on tax returns or statements and thus a  the complaint was held to be maintainable. It also observed
          person in a better position economically and socially would  that a one-sided clause incorporated by the builder in the
          get better compensation.                            agreement cannot be invoked to compel a flat purchaser
                                                              to accept alternative accommodation. It held that Aerostar

          Company, too, can file consumer com-                was entitled to a refund. Regarding the claim for interest,
                                                              the National Commission observed that even though the
          plaint                                              agreement provided that interest was not payable, it could
          Aerostar Helmets, a private limited company, had booked  still be claimed as the builder was enjoying the use of the
          an apartment in a complex being constructed by Adani M2K  flat purchaser's money. Considering the current interest
          Project, a limited liability partnership firm. An agreement  rate, the Commission held that 8 per cent interest would
          was executed on August 31, 2013, by which Adani agreed  be reasonable.
          to sell flat no. G-1502 for Rs 2,34,24,181, which included  Accordingly, by its order of November 18, 2020, delivered
          Rs 12 lakh towards preferential location charge for a flat  by the Bench of Prem Narain and C Viswanath, the National
          on the 15th floor.                                  Commission allowed the complaint and ordered the builder

          The agreement stated that possession would be given by  to refund the entire amount of Rs. 2,34,24,181 along with
          September 1, 2017. Even though the entire amount was  simple interest of 8 per cent per annum. Additionally, an
          paid, construction was completed only up to the 10th floor.  amount of Rs. 50,000 was also awarded as litigation cost.
          On October 6, 2017, the builder informed Aerostar that the  A period of 45 days was given for compliance.
              The Insurance  Times,  December  2020
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