Page 4 - Life Insurance Today April 2018
P. 4

                          Contents    Focus

                                                                          5 5 5 5 5  The unclaimed amount is com-
               Editorial                                          3             mon in insurance sector and

                                                                                over a period of time amounts
               Unclaimed amount of policyholders is not                   have accumulated as unclaimed which
               the hidden fortune of insurers                             is a cause of concern. There are the
               - Jagendra Kumar                                   5       major reasons that have led to the ac-
                                                                          cumulation of Rs. 12,000 crore un-
                                                                          claimed money that is to be claimed by
               Protection of Policyholders’ Interests
               Regulations, 2017                                 10       the rightful owner. Amongst the insur-
                                                                          ers, the highest amount of the un-
                                                                          claimed money has been lying with
               Cancer Insurance Plan                                      Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) - Rs.
               from Max Life Insurance                           19       6,003.47 crores.

                                                                          19 19 19 19 19  Our lifestyle and stress re-
               Jan Suraksha Plan
               from Future Generali Life Insurance Co. Ltd.      21              lated issues make us prone to

                                                                                 many critical diseases, some-
                                                                          times even at an early age. Cancer is
               IRDAI Circular                                    23
                                                                          one such disease which has increas-
                                                                          ingly become an epidemic. More of-
               LEGAL                                             25       ten than not, the cost of cancer treat-
                                                                          ment is very expensive and can be-
                                                                          come a huge financial burden on the
               Statistics                                        28       family causing a big dent in our sav-
                                                                          ings pool.

               Short-term funds in long-term portfolios          34
                                                                          34 34 34 34 34  SP BlackRock Liquid ETF is the

               LIC News                                          36              new kid on the liquid fund
                                                                                 block. Exchange-traded funds
                                                                          (ETFs) are listed and traded on ex-
               Private Life News                                 37       changes just like other stocks and
                                                                          bonds. However, rather than being
                                                                          just one security, ETFs are structured
               IRDAI News                                        39       as a fund or a basket of securities put
                                                                          together with a specific investment
                                                                          objective. For liquid funds, the objec-
               Glossary & Poll                                   41       tive is to deliver steady returns with
                                                                          very low volatility. Put together, you
                                                                          get a low-risk daily return option that
               Articles published during the Year 2017 - 2018    42       can be traded on exchanges.

          4                                             April 2018                            Life Insurance Today
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