Page 7 - Insurance Times September 2020
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ance policies based on their require-  March 24 till December 31, 2020. Un-  compare and buy different policies,
         ments and offering them the best   der the existing guidelines, such claims  while the portal will also provide ad-
         choices available. "With a network in  were required to be submitted  vanced assistance in registering and
         more than 450 cities across the coun-  through the employer.          settling claims," he said.
         try, InsuranceDekho has achieved rapid  "Gangwar said claims can now be sub-  The move to launch the portal would
         growth, with the company business  mitted directly (by workers)," accord-  put it in direct competition against
         doubling every quarter and tie-ups
                                            ing to a statement issued by the labour  leading digital aggregators and brokers
         with 26+ general insurance compa-  ministry. Workers will also be able to  such as Policybazaar, Coverfox, Paytm
         nies," the company said in a state-
                                            file the unemployment allowance claim  and the traditional players in the insur-
         ment.                              online, according to the ESIC circular.  ance and reinsurance market, such as
                                                                               Marsh and Anand Rathi.
         ESI will settle Covid-re- Mahindra Finance set to                     The insurance broker, setup in 2004, is

         lated jobless claims within enter digital insurance                   rural focused, with concentration in
                                                                               motor and tractor-based insurance
         15 days                            broking segment                    products through a cross-sell model
         Formal sector workers registered un-  Mahindra Finance's insurance arm is  with Mahindra's vehicle dealerships
         der the Employees' State Insurance  set to enter the business of online  across India.
         (ESI) scheme will receive Covid-19-re-  broking giving digital services to the  The company is now actively building
         lated unemployment cash allowance  customers of its subsidiary, Mahindra  its health, life, two-wheeler, and
         within 15 days of filing the claim.  Insurance Brokers, through a soon-to-  fourwheeler portfolios. It is also aim-
         The ESI Corporation released the re-  be launched portal called PayBima.  ing to expand its reach among the ur-
         vised unemployment allowance       The move comes at a time when the  ban customers through the new digi-
         scheme Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan   demand for insurance products per-  tal portal, said Devare.
         Yojana (ABVKY). "The payment shall be  taining especially to health and life is
         made in the bank account of the IP (in-  at a high due to increased urgency Insurers see turnaround in
         sured person) within 15 days from the
                                            among individuals and businesses to  PMFBY from 2021
         receipt of the claim. Aadhaar shall be  get themselves covered against medi-
         used for identification," the ESIC said                               Insurance companies are hopeful of a
                                            cal and business risks, amid the ongo-
         in its circular.                                                      turnaround in the government's flag-
                                            ing coronavirus pandemic.          ship crop insurance scheme - the
         The decision to revise the guidelines
                                            According to a senior company execu-  Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
         was taken in a meeting of the ESIC  tive, the new portal would play a role  (PMFBY) - with new guidelines and use
         chaired by Labour and Employment                                      of innovative measures. They also ex-
         Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar in  in the transformation of Mahindra's
                                            insurance broking services to a    pect more States as well as insurers to
                                            "phygital" model, which would lever-  participate from next year.
         Workers unemployed during the pan-  age its feet-on-the-street agents at  For instance, the Agriculture Insurance
         demic are set to receive cash to the  more than 400 locations in the coun-  Corporation of India (AIC) has been
         extent of 50 per cent of the wage (as
                                            try, with the digital aggregation and  working with States like Maharashtra
         against 25 per cent meant for ESI sub-  settlement services.          and Madhya Pradesh and is using the
         scribers affected during the precovid
                                            "Insurance is not about selling policies  cupping and capping mechanism.
                                            as much as it is about honoring the  Starting with Beed district in
         It will be paid for a maximum of 90
                                            claims," said Jaideep Devare, MD at  Maharashtra last year, AIC has also
         days. The relief will be paid directly
                                            Mahindra Insurance Brokers. "The   used it in Madhya Pradesh and con-
         into the bank account of workers, who
                                            settlement of claims will be a critical  vinced the State to remain in the
         will be eligible to file the claim after 30
                                            part of our operations on the portal.  scheme. "The objective is to provide
         days of getting unemployed.        Through our partnership with leading  comfort to States and encourage them
         The benefit can be availed of by work-  public and private insurers, we would  to continue with the scheme," said a
         ers who became unemployed from     also give our customers the options to  person familiar with the development.

           6  The Insurance Times, September 2020
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