Page 11 - Insurance Times January 2024
P. 11

more opportunities and better returns
           IRDAI proposes limit on surrender charges for non-
                                                                               such as through investments in fund of
           linked plans                                                        funds (FoF) of alternative investment
           IRDAI has released a set of draft product regulations that will force insurers  funds (AIFs) and REITs and InvITs. Fur-
           to review their profit margins and rejig distributor commissions. In this draft  ther, acknowledging the role of tech-
           circular, the regulator has suggested changes in surrender value rules for  nology in insurance, IRDAI has set up a
           non-linked life insurance policies.                                 dedicated  insurtech  mission  team
                                                                               which is working on technology initia-
           Under the current draft IRDAI regulations on non-linked insurance products,
                                                                               tives for the sector.
           surrender values are determined based on a percentage of premiums paid by
           the policyholder, which increases with the number of premiums paid. For
           instance, surrendering the policy in the first year yields no surrender value,  IRDAI diktat weigh on life
           but it increases to 30% for the second year, 35% in third year and so on.
                                                                               insurance stocks
           The existing framework aims to provide only a percentage of surrender value
                                                                               Bucking the overall positive market
           based on the premiums paid.                                         trend, life insurance stocks declined by
                                                                               up to 8 per cent after the IRDAI pro-
         tions for such situations," said one of  According to sources, the objectives be-  posed a higher surrender value for life
         the persons, pointing out that insurance  hind this move are to curb mis-selling by  insurance companies.
         companies did not have large capital  forcing insurers to spread out commis-
         reserves and could not price in such  sions that are currently bunched in the  In the last two days, the stock of Life
                                                                               Insurance Corporation (LIC) slipped by
         risks. As per a recent industry report,  first year and to ensure that insurers do
         around 498 catastrophic claims are out-  their best to increase persistency.  1 per cent to finish at Rs 796.4, while
         standing amounting to Rs. 1,640 crore.                                SBI Life Insurance dropped by 1 per cent
                                                                               to settle at Rs 1452.6, and HDFC Life
                                            Insurance sector to shift to       Insurance declined by 3.6 per cent to
         Surrender Value in Life In-
                                            RBC, Ind-AS by 2025                finish at Rs 673.1.
         surance to increase                The insurance sector is expected to tran-  ICICI Prudential Life Insurance stock also

         IRDAI has proposed new rules to pro-  sition to the risk-based capital (RBC) re-  bore the brunt. It tumbled to Rs 519.40
         tect  policyholders' interests under  gime and the Ind-AS accounting standard  (a 4.2 per cent fall) and Max Financial
         which insurance companies will have to  by 2025, which will help the sector align  Services ended at Rs 973.3 (a 7.9 per
         substantially increase the amount they  with global standards under International  cent decline).
         pay to customers who choose to discon-  Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),
         tinue their scheme early in the term.  IRDAI Chairman Debasish Panda said.  The proposed increase in surrender
                                                                               charges will affect the profitability and
         Insurers have a tough choice to make -  "Efforts are now being directed to-  Value of New Business Premium (VNB)
         lower sales or lower profits - to tackle  wards adopting the risk-based capital  margin of the companies, analysts said.
         premature closure of policies. If insur-  regime which will bring about efficient
         ers create room for higher payouts by  utilisation of capital and align with the  "The IRDAI released a circular that talks
         cutting commissions, it could affect  global standards of accounting and re-  about increasing surrender values in
         sales, and if they retain commission or  porting by implementing the Ind-AS  the life insurance par and non-par prod-
         pay higher, they will lose on profits. As  which is the converged IFRS," Panda  uct categories. This would affect the
         a result, shares of listed private life in-  said at a seminar by National Insurance  VNB margins for the life insurance com-
         surers fell - HDFC Life was down 1.9%,  Academy (NIA).                panies and that's why the stocks have
         while ICICI Prudential Life dropped  "Dedicated mission mode teams are  not done well in the last two days,"
         1.8%.                              working at full throttle in this direction  Suresh Ganapathy, managing director
         The regulator has not prescribed the  and we expect we should be able to  and head of financial services research
         threshold value but, in an illustration,  transition to the RBC regime as well as  at Macquarie Capital.
         indicated  that the surrender value  converge with IFRS by 2025," he said.  IRDAI released an exposure draft that
         would have to go up nearly 1.8 times  The regulator is also working to "re-  proposed to reduce surrender charges
         than the current level in the second  vamp" the framework for insurance in-  on life insurance products, especially
         year and 0.8 higher in the fifth year.  vestments, thus paving the way for  non-par savings products.

                                                                           The Insurance Times  January 2024  11
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