Page 53 - Insurance Times January 2024
P. 53


          Insurance firm executive held for Rs. 21            In the order related to the foetus, the tribunal said in sev-
                                                              eral instances premature delivery takes place during the
          lakh fraud                                          seventh month of pregnancy and the child survives which

          The detective department has nabbed an insurance com-  did not happen in the current case.
          pany executive who allegedly changed registered phone
          numbers of several policy holders of the firm - one of the  "There is punishment for the offence of miscarriage. There-
          biggest in India - and reportedly siphoned Rs 21.5 lakh, in  fore the mother is entitled to compensation for pain and
          three tranches, by premature closure of policies.   suffering, loss of amenity and enjoyment of life," tribunal
                                                              member Manish S Agrawal said. While  Rs 2 lakh was
          According to DC (cyber) Atul Vishwanathan, accused Dinesh  awarded towards compensation due to pain and suffering,
          Prasad (37) of Nilachal Abasan at Hatiara Bypass under Eco  Rs 1 lakh was towards loss of amenity and Rs 3 lakh towards
          Park PS used his technical expertise to change phone num-  enjoyment of life and loss of child.
          bers of policyholders and closed policies before their terms
          were to end using his online access.                The tribunal said the unborn child can be held to be a "per-
                                                              son" who can be the subject of an action for damages for
          He also transferred a part of the money to his account, said  his death. "Had the accident not occurred the child would
          Atul. The cops have registered a case under several sec-  have seen the light of the day," the tribunal said.
          tions of cheating, fraud and criminal conspiracy.
                                                              Bank held liable for delay in insurance
          For miscarriage after accident, tour co
          asked to pay woman Rs. 10Lac
                                                              Saraswati Paul had applied to the State Bank of India,
          Observing that from five months a foetus in its mother's
          womb till birth can be treated as equal to a child in exist-  Radhanagar Branch, for a loan for her grocery business. A
          ence, a motor accident claims tribunal, in perhaps the first  loan of Rs 8.99 lakh was sanctioned on March 28, 2008.
          such order, recently directed a tours and travel company  The terms of the loan stipulated that insurance coverage
          to pay around Rs 10 lakh compensation with interest to a  was necessary to cover risks to goods and property pertain-
          now 40-year-old woman who had a miscarriage seven   ing to the business.
          months into her pregnancy when a speeding car rammed  On February 6, 2009, the bank debited Rs 2,892 from
          head on into the bike her husband was riding in Goregaon  Saraswati's account for payment of premium to obtain two
          in 2014.                                            Standard Fire and Perils Policies from New India Assurance

          Her husband died in the accident and she gave birth to a  Co. These policies were valid from February 9, 2009, to
          stillborn boy. Both husband and wife worked for a multina-  February 8, 2010.
          tional company.                                     On January 5, 2009, the truck carrying items related to her
          In a separate order, the woman was awarded a compen-  grocery business met with an accident, resulting in a loss
          sation of around Rs 2.4 crore with interest as her husband  of goods worth about 6 lakh. As the accident had occurred
          died in the accident. In a third order, she too was awarded  on January 5, 2009, prior to the issuance of the policies on
          a compensation of around Rs 24 lakh with interest for the  February 9, 2009, the loss was not covered by the insur-
          head injuries she suffered. The compensation will have to  ance company. Saraswati defaulted in repayment of the
          be paid by Goregaon-based Amol Tours and Travels.   loan due to the loss incurred as a result of the accident.

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