Page 3 - Rotary International Mandela Day Celebrations 2021
P. 3

The Four-Way Test

                                         Of the things we think, say or do:

                  1                          2                            3                          4

                                                                    Will it build                Will it be
              Is it the                  Is it FAIR
                                                                 GOODWILL and                   BENEFICIAL
              TRUTH?                       to all
                                                                      BETTER                        to all
                                                                   FRIENSHIPS?                 conserned?

                                              Archives of the

                                Nelson Mandela Foundation


       The Nelson Mandela Foundation has in its custody an archive of the life and times, works
       and writings of its Founder, the late Nelson Mandela. The physical collections include the
       handwritten papers, official records and unique artefacts from the personal archive of
       Nelson Mandela in addition to records from the Office of Nelson Mandela after his

       retirement as President of South Africa in 1999, and the records of related significant
       organisations and individuals. It is the NMF’s imperative to document this vast resource,
       facilitate access to it, and promote its preservation and use.

       Extensive measures have been undertaken to preserve the physical collections to
       international standards.  Purpose built archival facilities were created with customised
       temperature, relative humidity, light levels, and air quality controls with individual
       collection materials already having undergone strict archival processes such as
       identification, cataloguing, deacidification, and now digitisation.

                                           Nothing’s impossible

                                    “It always seems impossible, until it is done.”

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