Page 15 - Risk Management Bulletin January-February 2023
P. 15


             d. Appropriate and adequate funding;             incidents with such unnecessary loss of life and
             e.  Training insttutons;                         property are as follows:
                                                              a.  Kolkata – Bada Bazaar – 12th January, 2008, 2500
             f.  Infrastructural facilites – fre statons and
                                                                 shops were  guted,  property  worth crores
                 accommodaton of personnel etc.;
                                                                 destroyed. The fre could not be controlled and put
             g.  Vulnerability analysis;                         out for days together; it was found difcult to reach
             h. Public awareness (DOs & DON’Ts), conduct of      the source of fre because of narrow lanes and
                 regular mock exercises and evacuaton drills; and  there was also scarcity of adequate water to put
                                                                 it out.
             i.  Uniform fre safety legislaton in some of the states.

                                                              b. Jaipur – IOC depot – 30th October, 2009, 12
             SFAC norms for setng up fre statons                 persons were killed, 200 injured, half a million
             The SFAC has laid down norms for setng up of fre    evacuated from the neighborhood. The fre could
             statons. The criterion for setng them up are as follows.  not be controlled for over a week because nothing
             a.  Response tme (3 to 5 minutes in urban areas and  was available to put out the oil fre. It stopped only
                 20 minutes in rural areas);                     when the fre burnt itself out.
             b. The scale of populaton to be served; and
                                                              c.  Kolkata – Park Street – 23rd March, 2010, 26
             c.  The number of minimum standard equipment that
                                                                 persons were killed, some even jumped to death
                 are needed and manpower required  for its
                                                                 because the key of the terrace gate was missing
                                                                 and the trapped persons could not escape to the
             Source: Compendium of recommendatons of SFAC        terrace. Hydraulic ladder also could not reach in
                                                                 tme because of trafc congeston. It was statoned
             Overall shortage in the country                     in a garage in Behala area far from the down town
             On the basis of the norms laid down by SFAC, the    and business hub of Kolkata with many high rise
             existng defciencies as regards fre statons, fre fghtng
             vehicles and personnel are as follows.
             a.  Fire statons – 97.54%;                       d. Fire at AMRI Hospital – Kolkata on 9th November,
                                                                 2011, 90 patents could not be evacuated and died
             b. Fire fghtng and rescue vehicles – 80.04%; and
                                                                 of suffocaton. There was no fre fghtng equipment
             c.  Fire personnel – 96.28%.                        in the hospital and the community who wanted to
             Source: Compendium of recommendatons of SFAC        come and help were not adequately trained and
                                                                 also found it difcult to get inside because the
             Slow pace of growth of fre services                 security decided to block them.

             Though deliberatons by the SFAC for improving the fre
                                                              The situaton is alarming and needs to be improved
             services in the country have been done regularly,  immediately. There is an urgent need for all the states
             defciencies clearly identfed and various
                                                              to get vulnerability analysis done of all densely
             recommendatons made, too litle or very delayed /
                                                              populated, important and hazardous locatons in
             inadequate steps have been taken to become beter  various states, assess and fx the requirement of
             prepared. The result is that even in the most recent
                                                              equipment and manpower, spread awareness amongst
             fre incidents, the response has not been as it should
                                                              the people regarding do’s and don’ts so that such
             be. Avoidable deaths and huge loss of property
                                                              incidents are prevented and if they occur, they are
             contnue to occur even today. Some of the recent  tackled promp

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