Page 170 - Liability Insurance IC74
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The Insurance Times

              and whether such games are taught under the
              supervision of trainers and bodyguards.

         (vi) (a) Number of laboratories. (b) Measures taken to
              prevent accident in laboratories.

         (vii)(a)Whether outings (including Educational tours) are
              arranged by the School/College and if so, how often.
              (b) Procedure for taking the students for such

         (viii) Teachers/Students ratio.

Q4. (a) Draft a proposal form for insurance under PLI
         Act, 1991.

Ans. The following material informations are to be filled in
         the proposal form of PLI Act, 1991:
         (i) Name of the Proposer owner in full
         (ii) Address with PIN
         (iii) Business
         (iv) Paid up capital
         (v) List of hazardous substances handled and Group
         (vi) Details of all accidents during past 3 years and
              compensation paid/claimed but no yet paid.
         (vii)Estimated Annual Turnover (a) Proposed Insurance
              Year and (b) Previous Year.
         (viii) Number of (a) Workmen Employees and (b) Other

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