Page 47 - Life Insurance Today January-June 2020
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requirement letters which were sent to DLA. As the death  4). This fact was known through the Claim form submit-
         had taken place suddenly the Company had taken a stand   ted by the claimant on 31.01.2016 wherein it was
         of lapsed policy which is not sustainable. In view of the facts  mentioned that the deceased had taken treatment of
         and the circumstances the complaint is admitted.         Diabetes from 17.05.2012 to 30.10.2012 from Dr.
                                                                  Mukesh Chaudhari.
         Taking into account the facts & circumstances, the Respon-
                                                              5). The Complainant had submitted a certificate of Dr.
         dent is hereby directed to pay Rs.6,50,000/- to the Com-  Mukesh Chaudhari wherein it had been mentioned that
         plainant.                                                the deceased L.A. was treated by him for diabetes
                                                                  from 17.05.2012 to 30.10.2012.
                    Mrs. Shashiben M. Sharma
                                                              6). Had the deceased L.A. disclosed the fact of treatment
                                 Vs.                              of diabetes taken by him the Respondent would have
                                                                  called for necessary medical reports at the time of
                            LIC of India
                                                                  revival of the policy for assessment of risk.
              Complaint No. AHD-L-029-1617-1056               7). In view of the above facts and submissions by both the
                                                                  parties it has been concluded that the Deceased had
         The Complainant’s husband had taken Jeevan Saral Policy  not disclosed the material fact of his disease at the
         of the Respondent Co. The Complainant’s husband expired  time of revival. The contract of insurance is a contract
         on 05.09.2015. The policy was in full force on the date of  of utmost good faith and the risk is assessed by the
         death of the Life Assured. However the policy was revived  insurer on the basis of the statements and represen-
         on 16.08.2013 on the strength of declaration of good     tations made by the insured. Hence under this case the
         health made by the deceased Life Assured and unpaid pre-  deceased L.A. had made breach of contract by mis-
         miums due 06.2012 to 06.2013 were paid. The death claim  statement and suppression of material fact. Therefore
         was repudiated by the respondent for the reason suppres-  the complaint stands dismissed and no relief is granted
         sion of material fact of treatment of Diabetes taken by the  to the Complainant.
         deceased Life Assured before revival of the policy on
                                                              8). However the Complainant was entitled for payment of
         16.08.2013. The claim was repudiated by the Respondent
                                                                  paid up value acquired before the date of revival of the
         but it agreed to paid up value available on the date of re-  policy along with the refund of premiums including in-
         vival Rs.42,690/- to the Complainant, which was not ac-  terest, if any, paid on date of revival and thereafter
         cepted by him.
                                                                  upto the date of death of the deceased Life Assured.
         1). The policy in question was in lapsed condition from             Maturity Claim
             06.2012 which was revived by the deceased L.A. on
             16.08.2013 by giving a declaration of Good Health                Sri A K Mohanty
             report and payment of unpaid premiums from 06.2012
             to 06.2013.                                                             V/S
         2). While submission of declaration of Good Health report         LICI,Bhubaneswar DO
             he had answered a question asked him whether he had
                                                                  Complaint Ref. No. BHU-L-029-1718-0002
             been suffered or suffering from Diabetes, Hernia,
             Hydrocel, Cancer or T.B. in negative.
                                                              Brief Facts of the Case:-The complainant took a salary
             Further in a question asked whether he had been car-  saving policy on 15.10.1993 with sum assured Rs.15,000/-
             ried out a report of E.C.G., X-ray or examined his blood,
                                                              and sent premium from NIA, Bhubaneswar to LICI BBSR
             urine or stool. He had answered ‘No’ to this question
                                                              BO III up to 09/2005. Then he got transferred to Patna and
             also.                                            remitted premium to Branch No.41 Kolkata from 10/2005
         3). These replies given by the deceased L.A. were incor-  to 05/2007. The policy got transferred to Kolkata Branch
             rect.                                            No.41 from Bhubaneswar. Again he was transferred to

                                          Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet.

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