Page 50 - Banking Finance January 2024
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          Risks involved in P2P Lending                       pandemic, defaults and losses may increase substantially.
                                                              Industry need to address such issues and educate the
          P2P lending sites only facilitate the lending transactions and
                                                              investors  in  order  to  enhance  awareness  among  the
          their funds are not involved in the lending which means that
          funds of investors are directly lent to borrowers without any
          intermediation of any bank. Though these sites undertake
                                                              Further in absence of deposit insurance the fate of public
          due diligence and physical verification of credentials of the
                                                              money in case of platform failure or operational failure and
          borrowers yet investors are exposed to the greater risk of
                                                              bankruptcy has not yet been discussed much. Although many
          default and fraud. Loss given default is further deteriorated
                                                              sites, such as Zopa, allow investors to sell loans they hold
          due  to the unsecured nature  of advance.  Majority  of
                                                              for a fee. Cyber security and data leakage risk also need to
          investors may not be capable to assess and quantify the risk
                                                              be looked into.
          involved  in  the transaction.  As  a  risk  mitigant,  some
          companies like Zopa and RateSetter in UK maintain reserve
                                                              In India several factors have impacted the growth of P2P
          fund to provide compensation in case of default.
                                                              portals. Turmoil caused by failure of IL&FS, one of the largest
                                                              NBFC, triggered regulatory tightening and limiting the
          Investor awareness becomes very important in such a
                                                              regulatory arbitrage by RBI. Loan app scams mainly by
          scenario where unsecured loans are granted with higher
                                                              unregistered Chinese entities and reported incidents of
          rates as investors are exposed to so many risks. General
                                                              suicides in some parts of country on account of unethical
          prudence is advisable on the part of investors before
                                                              means of recovery had also prompted the regulator. Covid
          entering the P2P lending market. One should understand
                                                              caused economic slowdown was also among some major
          the various types and extent of risks involved in the process
                                                              issues which the sector faced.
          to safeguard hard earned money. As P2P portals work on
          different set of terms and business models, individual
          lenders should compare them to find the best match in view  Regulatory Framework in India
          of financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment strategies  RBI issued guidelines in regard to P2P lending platforms in
                                                              October  2017  giving  all  the  P2P  platforms  a  legal
          In India RBI has prescribed an upper limit of Rs.50000/-  recognition. Now P2P lending companies have to register
          single lender can lend to same borrower. This prudential  themselves  mandatorily  with  RBI.  Based  on  the
          norm ensures diversification to provide protection to the  technological, entrepreneurial and managerial resources
          investors against expected level of loss.           along with capital structure, approval is accorded by RBI.

          In case of economic disruption as witnessed during covid  P2P lending company can act as an intermediary providing
                                                              an online marketplace or platform to the participants
                                                              involved in Peer to Peer lending however it cannot accept
                                                              deposits or lend on its own. Only unsecured loans are
                                                              permitted.  P2P  lending  company  is  entrusted  with
                                                              responsibilities  of  undertaking  due  diligence  on  the
                                                              participants. As per RBI guidelines P2P portal will also be
                                                              responsible for credit assessment and risk profiling of the
                                                              borrowers, documentation of loan agreements, assistance
                                                              in disbursement and repayments of loan amount and
                                                              recovery of loans originated on the platform.

                                                              Leverage ratio has been capped at 2. Aggregate exposure
                                                              of a lender to all borrowers at any point of time, across all
                                                              P2P platforms, is capped at Rs.50,00,000 while aggregate
                                                              loans taken by a borrower at any point of time, across all

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