Page 290 - ic92 actuarial
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The Insurance Times

              Ep = Expected Primary Loss
              Ae = Actual Excess Loss
              Ee = Expected Excess Loss
              B = Ballast Value
              w = Excess Losses Weighting Factor

         Note , the denominator of this formula equals E + B

              E = Excess Losses

         This formula is also written as
              M = Ap +C + (Ae X w )
                    Ep +C + (Ee X w)

         Where C is a different stabilizing value than B. C is a
         function of w, B and Ee.

              M =1 + CD

         Where CD is the experience rating (credit/debit)

17. Variation in claim frequency
         Var (N) = E[Var(N /)] + VarE(N / )

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