Page 10 - The Insurance Times November 2024
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corporate requirements of Ind As 117,
         he said.                             Outstanding Premiums of Hundreds of Crores from
                                              State Government, Reports United India Insurance
         But it is imperative that the regulator
         gives industry a date from when the  Days after the Maharashtra government cancelled the execution of the
         Ind AS117 will be implemented, Chopra  state's flagship health insurance scheme - Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya
         said.                                Yojana (MJPJAY)- United India Insurance Company Ltd ( UIICL) refuted the
                                              claim of the state government that the company was delaying the payment
         "To me, it is surprising that in various
         other auditing and accounting mat-   to hospitals. The company said that "there is outstanding premium of hun-
         ters, regulators keep insisting on the  dreds of crores from December 2022 onwards" due from the government.
         need for international standards to be  The decision to cancel the contract unilaterally without any notice under-
         implemented. But with respect to in-  mines the spirit of the MOU and against the principles of natural justice,
         surance  companies,  it  takes  a    UIICL said. The claims under policy become payable only when the premi-
         backseat", Chopra told.              ums due are fully paid, it said. "These delays stemmed largely from the non-
                                              payment of premiums by SHAS (State Health Assurance Society), an issue
         Maharashtra Government               we raised multiple times," the state- owned insurer said. The Indian Express
                                              reported about the cancellation of the contract on September 19.
         Cancels Rs. 3000 Crore In-
                                              On the contention of SHAS that UIICL was to pay Rs 93 crore performance
         surance  Contract  with              bank guarantee which they did not pay, United India said, "We have com-
         United India Insurance               municated to SHAS to deduct 3 per cent of the performance guarantee from
                                              the premium payable to us as was done in the previous MOU. However,
         The Maharashtra government has ter-
                                              SHAS could not do so as they did not remit the premium due on June 30,
         minated the Rs 3,000 crore contract  2024 till date. We have also agreed to provide a Bank Guarantee if SHAS
         with  Chennai  based  public  sector  remits the premium. In the absence of premium, the MOU itself is null and
         United India Insurance ( UII) for imple-
                                              void and question of performance guarantee does not arise."
         menting the state's flagship health in-
         surance scheme - the integrated Ma-
         hatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana  Chavan added that the government  Rs 1,300 per family for an estimated
         (MJPJAY) - citing "unsatisfactory re-  held around two to three meetings  2.38 crore families with a total popu-
         sponse" from the insurer.          with the higher leadership of the com-  lation of 12.3 crore. The total insur-
                                            pany but the performance did not im-  ance premium was over Rs 3,000 crore,
         Instead, the state government is likely
                                            prove. "We finally had to take action,"  which was to be paid to UII. The fam-
         to implement the universal health cov-
                                            he said.                           ily coverage was increased from Rs 1.5
         erage on its own without involving any
         insurers. The Central government con-  UII had won a fresh mandate from the  lakh to Rs 5 lakh.
         tributes around 60 per cent of the pre-  state for implementing MJPJAY 2.0  UII was to cover up to Rs 1.5 lakh per
         mium while the balance is paid by the  (with universal health coverage) in  family and the rest was to be managed
         State.                             June and the cover was in force since  by the state agency State Health As-
                                            July this year.                    surance Society (SHAS). However, the
         Ramesh Chavan, CEO, Mahatma Phule                                     state government hasn't paid any pre-
         Jan Aarogya Yojana, said that the con-  While the scheme was profitable for  mium till now and, instead, preferred
         tract was terminated because of un-  UII in the first year, it had refunded Rs  to cancel the contact with the insurer
         satisfactory response from the insur-  265 crore surplus to the state govern-  without giving any reasons or notice
         ance company. "After we signed the  ment. There was no profit and no loss  last week, an insurance official alleged.
         contract in June, the company was to  in the second year, but in the subse-
         pay Rs 93 crore performance bank   quent two years, the scheme was a
         guarantee which they did not pay.  lossmaking one for the insurer. This National  Insurance  Co.
                                            could be one reason for the insurer to
         Additionally due to increase in claim                                 Identifies Assets for Sale
         amount last year, the company was  show an unsatisfactory response, ac-
         delaying the payment and we started  cording to official sources.     Amid Solvency Challenges
         receiving a number of complaints from  Under the new universal health cover-  National Insurance Company, which is
         the hospital," he said.            age, the state finalised a premium of  grappling with a severe solvency short-

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