Page 3 - Life Insurance underwriting Ebook IC 22
P. 3
Mental status of the applicant.
Family history -presence of hereditary diseases present in the
family members such as diabetes, blood-pressure etc. and the
longevity of the family members.
b) Lifestyle and habits
Personal habits and avocations (whether they are hazardous in
Drinking habits
Smoking habits
Tobacco consumption habits( guthka, snuff, pan-masala etc)
High risk hobbies (e.g. scuba-drying, bungee jumping etc.)
c) Occupation: in this case, the factors evaluated for underwriting are:
Nature of occupation
d) Financial condition: the factors evaluated for underwriting are:
Income and expenses
Assets and liabilities
Existing insurance cover
Number of dependents
e) Place of residence and foreign travel: the factors evaluated for
underwriting are:
Risk levels relating to the location where the individual resides.
Risk levels relating to the location to where the individual is
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