Page 13 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 13

Insurers caution against          fourth wave,'' said the head of under-  IRDAI eases approval for
                                            writing at a major general insurer.
          Covid claims                                                         health insurance products
                                            "But we are concerned as the govern-
          After a lull, there is once again an in-                             IRDAI extended the "Use and File" pro-
                                            ment machinery has not fully woken
          crease in claims related to Covid in the                             cedure to all health insurance prod-
                                            up. Booster doses should begin in the
          wake of increasing cases, according to                               ucts,  facilitating faster customer ac-
                                            public distribution programme imme-
          insurers. Major general insurers and                                 cess to health policies.
                                            diately,'' he added.
          standalone health cover providers have
                                                                               All categories of products and add-ons
          been  witnessing  an increase in the  Unwarranted  and  costly  therapies
                                                                               or riders to be introduced or modified
                                            could lead to an escalation in treat-
          number of claims.
                                                                               or revised under health insurance busi-
                                            ment  costs  and  claims,  leading  to
          "We are watching the scenario care-                                  ness and offered by general and health
                                            higher premiums, which will push cus-
          fully. Instead of roughly 10 claims per                              insurance companies are permitted to
                                            tomers and  insurers into a  'vicious
          day a couple of months ago, there are                                be launched through "Use and File",
                                            circle' , according to insurers.
          about 50 to 60 these days," S Prakash,                               IRDAI said in a circular to the CEOs of
          Managing  Director, Start Health and  The  total  number  of  Covid  cases  insurance companies.
          Allied Insurance Company, told.   climbed to 4,33,19,396 with the addi-
                                                                               Health portfolio has emerged as the
                                            tion of 9,923 fresh cases, according to
          We are advising policyholders not to                                 biggest segment in the general insur-
                                            data released by the Health Ministry.
          take unnecessary and expensive treat-                                ance category with a premium income
                                            The number of active cases increased
          ments such as cocktail therapies and                                 of Rs 73,582 crore in FY22, a rise of
                                            to 79,313. The death toll increased to
          CT scans in panic without proper ad-                                 25.39 per cent. Under the "Use and
                                            5,24,890 with 17 deaths.
          vice. Hospitalisations are very few in                               File" system, insurers are permitted to
          the fourth wave, compared to the pre-  The demand for health cover has been  market  products  without  the
                                            increasing, say insurers. "In the last
          vious ones,'' said Prakash, who is also                              regulator's prior approval, thus avoid-
          a medical doctor.                 two  years,  awareness about  health  ing a longer waiting duration in offer-
                                            insurance has increased considerably,  ing innovative insurance solutions to
          According to industry data, 98 per cent
                                            and  the industry  foresees a  steady  customers in order to help address the
          of Covid claims originate from general
                                            spike  in  the  coming  years,''  said  dynamic environment. However, in the
          health insurance policies, and only two
                                            Shreeraj  Deshpande, Head - Health  "File and Use" system, an insurer, who
          per cent  are Covid-specific policies
                                            Businesses, SBI General Insurance.  wishes to introduce a new product, has
          such as Carona Kavach.
                                            "We have also seen an uptick in health  to file an application for the product
          "There has been a spurt in the intention
                                            insurance policy renewals. The pan-  with the IRDAI and use the product for
          to take insurance after the terrible sec-
                                            demic has  impacted  the  urban and  sale in the market only after getting all
          ond wave of the pandemic in India. The
                                            rural sectors and drawn attention to  the regulatory approvals.
          severity of the third wave was relatively
                                            the need forcustomised products that  "The board approved policy shall also
          less and hospitalisation claims had de-
                                            meet  customer  requirements,''  he  comply with the norms specified herein
          creased. We see a similar trend in the
                                                                               and the same shall be complied at the
                                                                            The Insurance Times, July 2022   13
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