P. 165

 Motor Neuron disease
     Permanent paralysis of limbs
     Permanent disability due to major accidents

The list of critical illnesses is not static and keeps evolving. In a few
international markets insurers classify conditions into „core‟ and
„additional‟, even covering conditions like Alzheimer‟s disease. Sometimes
„terminal illness‟ is also included for coverage though premium would
obviously be very high.

f) While most critical illness policies provide for a lump sum payment on
    diagnosis of illness, there are a few policies which provide
    hospitalization expenses cover only in the form of reimbursement of
    expenses. Few products offer combination of both covers i.e. indemnity
    for in patient hospitalization expenses and lump sum payment upon
    diagnosis of major diseases named in the policy.

g) Critical illness policies are usually available for persons in the age group
    of 21 years to 65 years.

h) The sum insured offered under these policies is quite high as the primary
    reason of such a policy would be to provide for the financial burden of
    long term care associated with such diseases.

i) Under these policies generally 100% of the sum insured is paid on
    diagnosis of a critical illness. In some cases compensation could vary
    from 25% to 100% of sum insured depending on the policy terms and
    conditions and severity of illness.

j) A standard condition seen in all critical illness policies is the waiting
    period of 90 days from inception of policy for any benefit to become
    payable under the policy and the survival clause of 30 days after
    diagnosis of the illness. The survival clause has been included as this
    benefit must not be confused with a “death benefit” but more
    interpreted as a “survival (living) benefit” i.e. the benefit provided to
    overcome the hardships that may follow a critical illness.

k) Rigorous medical examinations are to be undergone for persons
    especially over 45 years of age who wish to take the critical illness
    policy. Standard exclusions are quite similar to those found in health
    insurance products, failure to seek or follow medical advice, or delaying
    medical treatment in order to dodge the waiting period is also
    specifically excluded.

l) The insurer may compensate the insured only once for any one or more
    of the covered diseases of the policy or offer multiple payouts but up to
    a certain limited number. The policy terminates, once compensation is
    paid under the policy in respect of any of the insured person.

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