P. 386

Some important definitions
a) Burglary means the unforeseen and unauthorised entry to or exit from the

    insured premises by aggressive and detectable means with the intent to
    steal contents there from.
b) Housebreaking is said to have taken place when a house trespass has been
    committed by entering it for the purpose of committing an offence.
c) Robbery means the theft of contents at the insured‟s premises using
    aggressive and violent means against the Insured and / or insured‟s
d) Safe means a strong cabinet within the insured‟s premises designed for the
    safe and secure storage of valuable items, and access to which is restricted.
e) Theft is a generic term for all crimes in which a person intentionally and
    fraudulently takes the property of another without permission or consent
    and with the intent to convert it to the taker‟s use or potential sale. Theft is
    synonymous with „larceny‟.

Test Yourself 2
Under the shopkeeper policy, the insured may opt for an additional „Fixed plate glass
and sanitary fittings‟ cover. This will cover accidental loss of damage to which of the
I. Fixed plate glass
II. Sanitary fittings
III. Neon signs
IV. All of the above

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