Page 5 - Banking Finance February 2024
P. 5




         Banks  logged  12.2%               relocating bank accounts. With the new  The value of the transactions rose 19%
                                            online scheme, customers don't have to  to Rs 5,861 crore over the same pe-
         growth in FY23                     fill out those endless forms and wait for  riod, and 10% higher than the Rs 5,539

         Indian banks grew at 12.2% last fiscal  days and weeks for the account trans-  crore recorded in November 2023 as
         year driven by loans to retail consum-  fer to materialise.           Indians took to the road in record num-
         ers  and  services  sectors,  but  the  To partake in this seamless service,  bers during the Christmas vacation.
         banks' service to customers has not  customers must ensure their phone  The transaction count was 8% higher.
         kept pace and they need to go beyond  numbers are accurately registered with
         just monitoring the turnaround time,
                                            the bank.                          Card and internet frauds
         the Reserve Bank of India said in an
         annual report.                     "As part of our continuous endeavours rise sharply
                                            towards making our customers' bank-
         The regulator said that it is reviewing  ing journey more efficient and easier,  Based on the date of reporting, the
         the non-fund based facilities offered by  we are introducing Savings Account  average amount of involved in frauds
         banks such as guarantees and letters  Portability Online," said Ajay Kumar  declined by 85 per cent during the first
         of credit to come up with guidelines as  Srivastava, Managing Director & CEO,  half (H1) of financial year 2023-24 with
         they form an important role in the  Indian Overseas Bank.             the number of frauds rising sharply by
         growth  and  development  of  the                                     624 per cent in the card and internet
         economy.                           UPI payments rise 42% to           segment, the Reserve Bank of India
                                                                               (RBI) said in a report.
                                            Rs. 18 lakh crore in Decem-
         IOB  unveils  savings  ac-                                            The number of frauds in the card and
                                            ber                                internet segment jumped to 12,069
         count portability facility
                                            UPI transaction value went up 42%  cases involving Rs 630 crore during
         Indian Overseas Bank has introduced  year-on-year to Rs 18  lakh crore in  H1FY24 as against 2,321 cases for just
         'Savings Account Portability Online', a  December, while volume rose 54% to  Rs 87 crore in the same period of last
         scheme that is aimed at offering an  1,202 crore. The growth in UPI trans-  year, as per RBI's report on trend and
         easier savings account portability pro-  action volume stood at 7% when com-  progress of banking. Overall, banks
         cess for customers who move to differ-  pared to the previous month.  reported 14,483 cases of fraud involv-
         ent locations.                                                        ing Rs 2,642 crore during the period,
                                            Average daily transactions under UPI
         For individuals, who have to shift from  touched 40 crore against the targeted  down from 5,396 cases involving Rs
         one location to another due to career  100 crore in three years by NPCI ear-  17,685 crore frauds.
         shifts, educational pursuits, or various  lier this year. The volume of Fastag  On the other hand, based on the date
         life transitions, the new scheme will  transactions touched 34.8 crore in De-  of occurrence of frauds, the average
         help avoid the cumbersome process of  cember, up 13% year-on-year.    amount involved in frauds declined

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