Page 39 - Insurance Times October 2020
P. 39


          HOW COVID-19

          HAS CHANGED



         I     n these unprecedented times for us all, innovation in  than  ever. As we approach AIRMIC Fest, I am looking

               the insurance industry has not slowed - indeed,
                                                              forward to catching up - virtually - with many clients and
               responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have in many
                                                              brokers, to bouncing ideas around, to hearing innovative
               cases  accelerated  innovation  and  change.  The
          pandemic has changed the way many businesses operate  thoughts and to having discussions about the changing face
                                                              of risk.
          and the risks they face now and in the future.
                                                              Things have changed for the insurance industry too. With
          The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way that we all  traditional face-to-face meetings in many cases impossible,
          work - in many cases forever. Businesses have changed the  we have all adapted our routines and become used to video
          way they  operate,  with  many  seeing  colleagues  now  calls. We have needed to change the way we do things -
          working outside of an office environment. Many companies  innovation has, to some extent, been forced upon us all.
          adapted to make different products or use their facilities in
          different ways. This has changed the risks that companies  At Lloyd's of London, for example, the more-than-three-
          face - and the way in which they need to manage, mitigate  hundred-year-old tradition of face-to-face meetings and
          and transfer them.                                  physical signing of slips was rendered impossible when the
                                                              underwriting room was forced to close. In response, one of
          At times like these, collaborative thinking is more important  our underwriters devised a way to sign scratches and slips
                                                              virtually - a great example of someone thinking on their feet
                              About the author                and innovating to solve a very immediate problem.

                        Tim Smith                             But innovation isn't and shouldn't be just a reaction to
                        Head of Client Management,            events. In some cases, though, the restrictions on movement
                        UK, AXA XL                            of people necessitated by COVID-19 lockdowns, certainly
                                                              accelerated innovation - and set in motion changes that are
              The Insurance Times, October 2020
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