Page 54 - Insurance Times October 2020
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Course Fees                           INR 15,000 or USD 350 for international participants
           Special Offer for first 200 Registrations:  25% Discount on Course Fees — INR 11,250 Plus Exam Fees Rs.750 – Total
                                                 International USD 262.50 Plus Exam Fees US$20 Total US $ 282.50
           Special Offer for RMAI Members:       40% Discount on Course Fees for Registration  – INR Rs.9000 Plus Exam
                                                 Fees Rs.750 ( 9750/-)
           Final Exam Fees                       INR Rs.750 Examination Fees – Indian Students
                                                 US $ 20 – International Students
                                                 Final Exam shall be conducted by Remote Invigilation.

         Course Methodology                                      Complimentary Subscription to Online Insurance or
         i)  Online Course spread over eight week (E Learning    Banking Library from SASHI PUBLICATIONS
             Modules )                                           Career Opportunity Section on the Website of RMAI
         ii)  8 Modules of three hours each Plus Project         ( which will have list for all new openings
                                                                 and opportunities in risk management and related fields
         iii) Quiz during each module to check understanding
                                                                 Opportunity for publication of research paper and
         iv) Query Management Sessions by Experts
                                                                 articles in RMAI Bulletin and other platforms
         v)  Individual Project and Guidelines
                                                                 Participate in Webinars conducted during the period
         vi) Course Completion Assessment

         vii) Final Exam by Remote Invigilation               Payment Options:

         More about AICP London                               1. You can remit the payment by NEFT in our Bank Account
                                                                 details below
         Association of Internal Control Professionals was established  Bank Details of Association :
         in  London  in  2014  the  Institute  is  a  not-for-profit  Risk Management Association of India
                                                                 Bank of India Account Number: 402110110007820
         AICP is Europe's one of leading Institute for professional
         excellence in Internal Control, Risk Management, Corporate  Branch: Vivekananda Road Branch
         Governance and Compliance, and an innovator in internal  Type of Account: Savings
         control and risk management in Procurement & Supply Chain  IFSC Code : BKID0004021
         Management Operations.
                                                                 MICR Code: 700013048
         The institute's professional membership currently extends  2. Companies who want to enroll their employees in bulk
         to twenty-one countries and provides access to a wealth of  can request for a invoice at
         skill building,  reinforced  through consulting,  training,
         assessments, and certificated courses through eLearning.
         Website:                        In case of any Query about the Course you can contact
         Value-added Benefits                                 EMail:

             Complimentary Student Membership of RMAI for One  Phone: 9073791022/8232083010
             Year you can continuously update your knowledge on  Post:  Risk Management Association of India,
             the subject of Risk Management and upgrade your skill-  25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street,
             set with various initiatives of RMAI during the year   Kolkata – 700007. India

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