Page 22 - Banking Finance December 2023
P. 22




          The legislature can pass SC requests that HCs form                   reports on the progress of the trials
                                                                               against the politicians in criminal cases
          laws, but it cannot directly a bench to oversee crimi-               from special lower courts.

          overturn a court decision: nal proceedings of legisla-               It stated, "The trial courts shall not,
          CJI                               tors.                              unless for rare and compelling reasons,
                                                                               adjourn  the  hearing  of  the  cases
          Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud  In a landmark decision, the Supreme  against the members of parliament,
          discussed the division of powers among  Court ordered all high courts (HC) to  MLAs, and MLCs."
          the administration, legislature, and  form a special bench and file a suo
                                            motu case in order to keep an eye on  The CJI stated while delivering the rul-
          judiciary. She stated that although the
          legislature can pass new legislation to  criminal cases that are still outstand-  ing that the primary district and ses-
                                            ing against Members of Parliament  sions judges will make sure that desig-
          "cure the deficiency" in an existing
                                            (MPs)  and  MLAs  and  to guarantee  nated special courts trying legislators
          law, it cannot "directly overrule"  a  their prompt resolution.
          court decision.                                                      have access to adequate facilities and
                                            In response to a PIL filed by Ashwini  technology.
          "Where a court renders a decision,
                                            Upadhyay, asking for the early resolu-  The bench was hearing a Public Inter-
          there is a boundary between what the
                                            tion  of  ongoing  criminal  charges  est Litigation (PIL) brought by lawyer
          legislative can and cannot do. The leg-  against legislators, a bench led by Chief  Ashwani Dubey. The PIL sought redress
          islature is always free to pass new leg-  Justice DY Chandrachud issued a num-  such as speedy trials for accused par-
          islation to address any shortcomings in  ber of directives to high courts and trial  liamentarians and the establishment of
          the law if a court ruling resolves a spe-  courts.                   special courts nationwide for this pur-
          cific issue and the ruling identifies le-
                                            The highest court stated that it would  pose, in addition to a lifelong ban on
          gal shortcomings.
                                            be challenging to provide trial courts  politicians upon conviction in criminal
          The legislature is not allowed to de-  with consistent rules for the prompt  cases.
          clare that the ruling is incorrect and  resolution of matters involving legisla-
          that it should be overturned. The leg-  tors.                        Travel agents instructed to
          islature cannot immediately overturn  According to the ruling, the high courts  settle  Covid  reimburse-
          a court's decision. That is totally unac-  will form a special bench to oversee
          ceptable. However, if a court adopts a  the criminal proceedings of the politi-  ments by November
          specific interpretation of a law, the  cians, which will be chaired by the chief  The civil aviation ministry has been
          legislature may always fix the issue, he  justice or a bench that the chief justice  urged by the consumer affairs depart-
          stated at the Hindustan Times Leader-  designates. According to the state-  ment to investigate the practice of
          ship Summit.                      ment, the high courts may request  some airlines charging for each seat

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