Page 45 - Banking Finance December 2023
P. 45









         S      mall business or to be very specific unorganized  remain unfunded and a portion of the productive labour
                small business is the economic foundation of India.
                                                              force would remain unemployed.
                It is perhaps one of the largest  disaggregated
                business ecosystems in the world sustaining around
          50 crore lives. The sector comprises of countless of small  The unorganized Small Business Sector accounts for a large
                                                              share  of  industrial  units.  They  feed  large  local  and
          manufacturing  units,  shopkeepers,  fruits  /  vegetable  international value chains as well as domestic consumer
          vendors, truck & taxi operators, food-service units, repair  markets  as  suppliers,  manufacturers,  contractors,
          shops, machine operators, small industries, artisans, food  distributors, retailers and service providers. The gross value
          processors, street vendors and many others.         addition  of  this  sector  is  6.28  lakh  crore  annually.
                                                              Mainstreaming these enterprises will not only help in
          Formal or institutional architecture has not been able to  improving the quality of life of these entrepreneurs but will
          reach out to them to meet the financial requirements of  also contribute substantially to job creation in the economy
          this sector. They are largely self financed or rely on personal  thereby achieving higher GDP growth.
          networks or moneylenders. Addressing this need will give a
          big boost to the economy otherwise this segment would  The biggest bottleneck to the growth of entrepreneurship
                                                              in the small business is lack of financial support to this sector.
                                About the author              The support from the Banks to this sector is meagre, with
                                                              less than 15% of bank credit going to Micro, Small and
                           Ajay Panday                        Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). A vast part of the non-
                           Sr. Manager                        corporate sector operates as unregistered enterprises. They
                           Zonal  Learning  Center
                           Powai                              do not maintain proper Books of Accounts and are not
                                                              formally covered under taxation areas. Therefore, the banks

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