Page 8 - Risk Management Bulletin April -June 2021
P. 8


             learnt in the past cyclones to their clients to reduce  Tropical Cyclone Risk Assessment
             losses and keep the risks at acceptable levels -a service
             to the whole Indian Society. Insurers can advise on  Report
             following areas:                                         Client and Location Details
             Y   To strengthen the structures and in particular
                 roofing systems which are suffer heavy damages  Name (Individual/Company)  Unity Geospatial
                 by high velocity winds of the Tropical Cyclones/  Head Office Address   Pune
                 Hurricane. To avoid top heavy or asymmetrical  Contact Number            +91-9623558539
                                                               E-mail                    contact.tropcyc@
             Y   To open up & clean the natural drainage channels               
                 on the ground to allow flow of water smoothly to  Value of Property      40,00,000
                 avoid flash floods.
                                                               Facility Description       Industry area
             Y   Storm Surge - To relocate to safer location.
                                                               Property Type              Industrial
             Y   To prepare a disaster management plan for actions
                                                               Operational Status         Occupied
                 to be taken when the cyclone warnings are issued
                 by the authorities and one after the cyclone to  Property Address        West Bengal
                 return to normalcy within the shortest time. Plan  Establishment Date    2018-01-16
                 must take into account the total disruption of all  Location (Latitude)  21.87
                 services viz. no food, water, communications, rail/  Location (Longitude)  88.18
                 road/air traffic, banking, repair facilities etc.
                                                              Potential damages by a cyclone
             Global Warming and Climate Change are real issues
             facing the world. According to IMD there is 32% rise Wind & Flood Damage Exposure
             in Tropical Cyclones hitting India. Arabian Sea is  The Client location falls under the Red Zone
             becoming fast hotbed for the Tropical Cyclones and can
             have a tremendous impact the west coast of India.  of the Wind hazard
             There is also a rapid intensification of cyclones difficult  The above location falls under the Red Zone which is the
             to give early warning to the communities.        central core of the Tropical Cyclone and includes Eye
                                                              Wall region of the Cyclone where highest wind speeds
             The need of the hour is a web application like TROPCYC  and rain fall occurs. The most probable Cyclone in this
             which gives at the click of the mouse Risk Assessment to  region is Very Severe Cyclonic Storm (VSCS of IMD Scale)
             help do business of insurance professionally to protect  with wind speeds between 119 Kms./hour to 166 Kms./
             their clients as well as keep their business on sound  hour (Category 1 of Saffir-Simpson Scale). Though
             principals and profitable.                       Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm (ESCS - Wind Speeds
                                                              167 Kms./hour to 221 Kms./hour) and Super Cyclonic
                                                              Storms (SuCS - Wind Speeds 222 Kms./hour & above)
                                                              are rare in the north of Indian Ocean, 8 ESCS & 3 SuCS
                                                              have hit the east coast of India in the past 72 years viz.
                                                              from the year 1948 to year 2020. The high rainfall in a
                                                              short duration results in large quantity of water flowing
                                                              at high speeds on the ground causing flash floods &
                                                              heavy damages to property and life. The rainfall may be
                                                              on an average 30 to 40 Cms. in 24 hours and can be as
                                                              high as 80 Cms. in extreme cyclone events.

                                                              Storm Surge

                                                              Very High Hazard Zone 1
                                                              The above location falls under Very High Risk Zone 1
                                                              (VHRZ) of the Storm Surge and the above location may

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