Page 52 - Insurance Times July 2023
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            Events and Happenings at Birla Institute of Management

                                         Technology (BIMTECH)

          Participation in International seminar by           the parametric solutions. Some of the other vital points
                                                              discussed  were  how  to  mitigate  the  effect  of
          BIMTECH faculty
                                                              sociodemographic changes and the potential for secondary
          Prof. (Dr.) Abhijit K Chattoraj, Chartered Insurer, Dean  loss  agents,  such  as  fire,  tsunami,  liquefaction  and
          (SW&SS), Professor & Chairperson, PGDM-IBM, BIMTECH  aftershocks.
          moderated a session titled 'Earthquake Experience from
          Asia' at Asian Insurance Meet 2023, organised by the Nepal  Training Programme on Campus
          Insurance Authority with the International Association of
                                                              A day long training session was conducted under the
          Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), Asia Development Bank(ADB)
                                                              guidance of Centre for Management Development and
          and Access to Insurance Initiative (AIII) as conference
                                                              Consultancy(CMDC), BIMTECH the theme being "Boost your
          partners at Yaki n Yeti Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal on 9th June
                                                              Skills" on  June 10th,  2023 in  association with Financial
                                                              Professional's Round Table(FPRT) a Delhi based organisation
          Dr. Chattoraj during the discussions stressed on the need to  working for professional growth of people working in
          have an integrated approach to deal with earthquake losses  financial advisory businesses. Around 150 senior finance
          by giving one bundled product covering property damage  advisors coming from different parts of India participated
          and accidental life losses. Some of the other vital points  in the event.
          discussed  were  how  to  mitigate  the  effect  of
                                                              The event was inaugurated by Dr. H Chaturvedi, Director
          sociodemographic changes and the potential for secondary
                                                              BIMTECH who talked about the need for upskilling in the
          loss  agents,  such  as  fire,  tsunami,  liquefaction  and
                                                              present times in a rapidly transforming financial world. The
                                                              participants immensely benefitted by way of hands-on
          The other distinguished panel members were Mr Damodar  training by external experts and  BIMTECH faculty. The
          Bhandari -Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Nepal Re. Ms  training programme started with by Prof. (Dr.) Abhijit
          Neha Yadav, Business Development Director - Descartes,  Chattoraj, Chairperson IBM Programme at BIMTECH who
          Singapore and Mr Alok Kumar - Managing Director -India &  took a session titled "Sharpen your negotiation skills followed
          Global Head- Analytical Services, Mr Chunky Chhetry, CEO  by a session by Mr. Harish Desai, Ex Development Officer,
          Sagarmatha Lumbini Insurance  Co Ltd.  (SALICO) and  Life Insurance Corporation of  India(LIC) on "Growing
          President  Nepal  Insurance  Association  made a  very  Business under new tax Environment". The third session was
          informative opening presentation articulating the way  taken by Mr. Amber Arondekar a well-known motivational
          Nepalese economy made a recovery through Insurance.  speaker "The Biggest Differentiator".  Prof. Manoj Kumar
          Mr Alok Kumar harped on the need for quality data and a  Pandey, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Centre for
          comprehensive end-to-end simulation-based framework for  Management  Development and  Consultancy(CMDC),
          quantifying future earthquake ground-shaking risk. Mr  BIMTECH took a session on "Life Insurance Underwriting".
          Damodar Bhandari shed light on the risk preparedness of
          earthquake losses. Ms Neha Yadav talked at length about Lifetime Achievement Award conferred

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