Page 17 - The Insurance Times June 2020
P. 17



         UK personal lines insur-           The impact of COVID-19 is also ex-  over 1,000 employees and has 86 of-
                                            pected to have a significant impact on  fices across India.
         ance to experience large           the distribution of products. The affin-  "We are glad to have Sharad on board

         declines in 2020 due to            ity channel, in particular, is expected  as we plan to drive the next phase of
         COVID-19, says GlobalData          to see its share decline.          development of Universal Sompo. Un-
                                                                               der Sharad's leadership, company aims
         The personal lines market in the UK  Pearce concludes: “The affinity
         will contract in 2020 as a result of  channel’s prominence within the travel  to develop a capability to deliver more
         COVID-19 impacting a range of differ-  market will see its share of distribution  innovative products, re-engineered dis-
         ent lines of business. Travel insurance  fall, while we expect to see the special-  tribution architecture and significant
         will be the worst affected personal lines  ist advice provided by brokers become  improvements in productivity," said
         product in the UK, says GlobalData, a  increasingly important. This is espe-  Padmaja Chunduru, Managing Director
         leading data and analytics company.  cially true within commercial insur-  & CEO, Indian Bank.
                                            ance, where COVID-19 has highlighted  On his appointment, Sharad said, "It
         GlobalData’s UK Insurance Market Es-  the importance of understanding ex-  has been a fulfilling journey in the gen-
         sentials: COVID-19 Update report fore-  actly what risks businesses are exposed  eral insurance sector wherein we have
         cast suggests that the gross written  to.”                            achieved many milestones together
         premiums (GWP) will contract by 48.7.                                 and will definitely achieve many more.
         GlobalData expects it to be a short-                                  I am thankful to the board of Univer-
         term hit; however, it forecasts strong Universal Sompo appoints       sal Sompo for having faith in me and I
         GWP in 2021 and 2022. Subsequently,  Sharad Mathur as its Man-        am looking forward to working with all
         the growth should then return to more                                 stakeholders to accelerate the
         normal levels in 2023.             aging Director & CEO               company's expansion. Together, we
                                            Sharad Mathur has been appointed as  will leverage our ability to innovate,
         Daniel Pearce, Senior Insurance Ana-  Managing Director & CEO of Universal  with sharp customer focus which will
         lyst at GlobalData, comments: “Trips  Sompo General Insurance Company  remain at the heart of our DNA as we
         abroad by UK residents have been   Limited w.e.f. 2nd June 2020. He will  continue to build a great service plat-
         largely on hold since the lockdown  lead the company's overall operations  form for our customers and channel
         measures came into effect. Two-week  and report to the Board of Directors.  partners."
         quarantines periods for those entering  Sharad is a seasoned business leader  "India is a rapidly-growing market for
         the UK from almost all foreign coun-  and brings over 23 years of extensive  our business in Asia. Sharad's under-
         tries will limit any hope of a recovery  experience and a strong track record  standing of Indian market and general
         in the summer season. We do expect  of building scale and profitable general  insurance business, combined with his
         the market to return to growth in 2021  insurance businesses.         expertise in sustainable business ex-
         and 2022, with large GWP increases in  Universal Sompo is a joint venture be-  pansion and digital technologies, will
         both the years. A combination of an  tween Indian Bank, Indian Overseas  be a huge asset for Universal Sompo,"
         increase in the number of trips abroad  Bank, Karnataka Bank, Dabur Invest-  said Daniel Neo, Regional Chief Execu-
         and the loss of the EHIC system will  ments Corporation and Sompo Japan  tive Officer of Sompo Holdings (Asia)
         play a vital role.”                Insurance. Universal Sompo employs  Pte. Ltd.  R

                                                                           The Insurance Times, June 2020 17
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