Page 46 - Insurance Times November 2022
P. 46
New Product Launches
Aditya Birla Health Insurance launches said its new policy, 'health absolute' is designed to empower
customers to actively manage their health and lead a healthy
Activ Fit a health policy for young and
lifestyle and comes with a host of wellness benefits.
healthy adults This product also expands the scope of the definition of the
Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Limited (ABHICL), the family to offer protection to members of the LGBTQIA+
health insurance subsidiary of Aditya Birla Capital Limited community and the live-in partners, said Anup Rau,
(ABCL), announced the launch of Activ Fit, a comprehensive managing director & chief executive of Future Generali.
health insurance plan for young and healthy adults.
This product comes with a loyalty programme that enables
The new Activ Fit plan provides an upfront 10 per cent good customers to encash their reward points for premium
health discount based on an assessment done through a unique discounts, availing a variety of goods, memberships etc.
facial scan, up to 50 per cent health returns on being active during renewal of the policy.
and 100 per cent Binge Refill to ensure that health insurance
The policy features 11 sum insured options for customers,
becomes an attractive proposition for the cohort. Apart from
ranging from 3 lakh to 100 lakh and protects a maximum of
these primary features, the insurance policy also covers
15 family members. Also, there is no upper age limit for
maternity cover, modern treatment along with in-patient
customers, ensuring access to optimal healthcare at all
hospitalisation. All this comes at an affordable premium for a
stages of an individual's life.
generation that values quality, convenience and access.
The plan provides a 10 per cent upfront good health discount
Tata AIA ties up with Medix to offer
while purchasing the policy on the basis of the results of
specialised 'Critical illness' services
health risk assessment and facial scan. All customers below
the age of 35 years can avail an early bird discount at Tata AIA Life Insurance, has partnered with Medix, a global
renewal, five per cent from 4th to 7th policy year and 10 company specialising in medical management solutions, to
per cent from 8th policy year for the life time of the policy. provide TATA AIA customers with access to a local and global
The customer's efforts to stay healthy are acknowledged and network of certified medical specialists to manage their
rewarded with up to 50 per cent health returns. medical treatment related to serious illnesses. This service
is available to policyholders who have taken eligible life
In case of hospitalisation, if the customer falls short of their
insurance products such as term, savings, and pension plans.
insurance cover, they can use the 100 per cent Binge Refill
feature. This feature enables them to get cover up to sum Through this partnership, customers in India will have access
assured, for any illness or injury. The product includes to the Personal Medical Care Management (PMCM) facility,
modern treatments, mental care cover, HIV/ AIDS and STD, which provides top-notch medical assistance. This will involve
day care treatments, pre-hospitalisation, post- reevaluating the medical issue, diagnosing it, and developing
hospitalisation and road ambulance cover. All maternity a comprehensive treatment plan with the best possible
benefits, including normal delivery, C-section delivery, new treatment, including referrals to the town's top experts and
born baby expenses, vaccination expenses and stem cell care coordination. Customers of Tata AIA may follow,
preservation are covered. manage, engage with dedicated medical teams, and receive
updates on their medical journey using this service, assuring
Future Generali offers health cover to the permanence of treatment that is centred on excellence.
Patients and their families will no longer have to cope with
LGBTQIA+, live-ins the stress and uncertainty that comes with significant
Future Generali India Insurance Company has launched a new medical issues because of this. Medix will afterwards keep
health policy, which extends the definition of family to cover supporting them and working with their treating physician
the LGBTQIA+ community and live-in partners. The company on ongoing treatments, side effects, concerns, and inquiries.
40 November 2022 The Insurance Times