Page 17 - Banking Finance August 2023
P. 17

RBI eases regulations, co-        Mehta further said that over 50% of  bank, 99.98 per cent of the depositors
                                            urban cooperative banks in Gujarat  are entitled to receive full amount of
          op banks set for expan-
                                            meet the FSWM criteria, indicating  their deposits from DICGC," it said.
          sion                              their financial strength. These banks  Giving reasons for cancellation of the
                                            are now looking to expand their pres-
          Gujarat is set to witness a new phase                                licence, it said United India Co-opera-
                                            ence in their respective areas of opera-
          of expansion in the urban cooperative                                tive Bank, based out of Bijnor in Uttar
                                            tion. "Since the setback faced by the
          banking sector, as the Reserve Bank of                               Pradesh, does not have adequate capi-
                                            Madhupura Urban Cooperative Bank
          India (RBI) has granted permission for                               tal and earning prospects.
                                            in 2002, Gujarat-based cooperative
          urban cooperative banks to open new
                                                                               "The bank  with  its present financial
                                            banks have shown resilience.
          branches without its approval.
                                                                               position  would  be unable to pay its
          Currently, Gujarat has 214 urban coop-                               present depositors in full," the RBI
                                            RBI  cancels  licence  of
          erative banks with a total of 1,113                                  said, adding that the continuance of
          branches. Following this decision, it is United India Co-operative   the bank is prejudicial to the interests
          anticipated that the state will see the                              of its depositors.
          addition of at least 100 new branches
                                            The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said it
          within the next year.                                                RBI imposes curbs on Na-
                                            has cancelled the  licence of  Uttar
          Chairman of the Gujarat Urban Coop-                                  tional  Coop  Bank,  the
                                            Pradesh-based United India Co-opera-
          erative Banks Federation,  Jyotindra
                                            tive Bank Limited,  citing lack of ad-  Bengaluru bank
          Mehta,  stated that  the  automatic
                                            equate capital and earning prospects.
          route for new branch openings had                                    The Reserve Bank of India  (RBI) an-
                                            Consequently, the bank ceases to carry
                                                                               nounced a series of restrictions on one
          been halted since 2017. "However, the
                                            on business, with effect from the clos-
                                                                               of Bengaluru's oldest institutions, The
          RBI's recent decision allows urban co-
                                            ing hours, the RBI said in a statement.
          operative banks to open a maximum                                    National  Cooperative Bank,  in  re-
                                            On liquidation, it said every depositor  sponse to its deteriorating financial
          of five branches or 10% of their exist-
                                            would be entitled to receive deposit  position, allowing it to disburse only up
          ing branches without prior approval.
                                            insurance claim amount of his/her de-  to Rs 50,000 to depositors in all types
          These banks  must obtain approval
                                            posits up to a ceiling of Rs 5 lakh from  of account.
          from their respective boards and com-
                                            the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guar-
          ply with the financially sound and well                              The RBI issued the directions to the 48-
                                            antee Corporation (DICGC).
          managed (FSWM) norms set by the                                      year old bank using its powers under the
          RBI," he said.                    "As  per  the data submitted by  the  Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
            BANKING FINANCE |                                                              AUGUST | 2023 | 17
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