Page 23 - Banking Finance August 2023
P. 23


          determine how much the government is exceeding its  and selling them through the banks. Banks buy those
          income.                                             deposits and then sell them to the investors. Government
                                                              bonds are considered a safe form of investment. Hence, they
          How is Fiscal Deficit Calculated?                   are free from risks.

          Fiscal deficit is calculated by subtracting the total revenue
          obtained by the government in a fiscal year from the total What are the impacts of fiscal deficit on
          expenditures that it incurred during the same period.
          Mathematically, it can be represented as follows:   A high fiscal deficit can lead to inflation, devaluation of the
                                                              currency and an increase in the debt burden. While a lower
           Fiscal  deficit  =  Total  Expenditure  -  Total
                                                              fiscal deficit is seen as a positive sign of fiscal discipline and
           revenue (Excluding the borrowings)
                                                              a healthy economy. Fiscal deficit is having both positive and
                                                              negative aspects.
          Fiscal deficit is seen in all the economies, while the surplus
          is considered a rare occurrence. A high fiscal deficit is not
                                                              Positive Aspects of Fiscal Deficit:
          always considered bad for the economy. It is good if the
          amount is used in constructing roads, railways, airports, etc.  Increased Government Spending: Fiscal deficit enables the
          These help in generating revenue for the government after  government to increase spending  on public  services,
          a certain period.                                   infrastructure, and other important areas that can stimulate
                                                              economic growth.
          For example, if the GDP of a country is Rs. 100 lakh crore
          and the difference between total income and expenditure
                                                              Finances Public Investments: The government can finance
          is Rs. 10 lakh crore then the fiscal deficit is 10%.
                                                              long-term investments, such  as infrastructure projects,
                                                              through fiscal deficit.
          What  are  the  Components  of  Fiscal
          Deficit?                                            Job Creation: Increased government spending can lead to
                                                              job creation, which can help reduce unemployment and
          The fiscal deficit is composed of two components, namely
                                                              increase the standard of living.
          income and expenditure. The components are discussed in
          brief in the following lines:
          Components of total income of the government        Negative Aspects of Fiscal Deficit:
          These consist of two variables, which are revenue generated  Increased Debt Burden: A persistent high fiscal deficit leads
          from various taxes such as GST, taxes from union territories,  to an increase in government debt, which puts pressure on
          custom duties, corporation tax, etc. They are collected by the  future generations to repay the debt.
          centre and the non-tax revenues that consist of dividends and
          profits, interest receipts, and other non-tax revenues.  Inflationary Pressure: Large fiscal deficits can lead to an
                                                              increase in money supply and higher inflation, which reduces
          Components of expenditure:
                                                              the purchasing power of the general public.
          The government expenditure consists of capital expenditure
          and revenue  expenditure such as  salary and pension
                                                              Crowding out of Private Investment: The government may
          payments,  grants  for  creation  of  capital  assets,
                                                              have to borrow heavily to finance the fiscal deficit, which
          infrastructure, healthcare, and interest payments.
                                                              can lead to a rise in interest rates, and make it difficult for
                                                              the private sector to access credit, thus crowding out
          Fiscal deficit is calculated as a percentage of the GDP (gross
                                                              private investment.
          domestic product).
                                                              Balance of Payments Problems: If a country is running large
          How does the government balance the
                                                              fiscal deficits, it may have to borrow from foreign sources,
          fiscal deficit?                                     which can lead to a decrease in foreign exchange reserves
          Governments take borrowings in the form of issuing bonds  and put pressure on the balance of payments.

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