Page 30 - The Insurance Times October 2024
P. 30

Climate Change and Its

          Impact on Inclusive

          Insurance: Safeguarding



           As climate change intensifies, its impact on vulnerable communities-particularly those at the
           bottom of the economic pyramid-has become increasingly apparent. These populations, often
           residing in developing countries, face heightened risks from climate-related events such as floods,
           droughts, cyclones, and extreme heat.

         A          s climate change intensifies, its impact on 1. Agriculture and Food Security

                    vulnerable communities-particularly those at the
                                                              Smallholder farmers in regions like sub-Saharan Africa, South
                    bottom of the economic pyramid-has become
                                                              Asia, and Southeast Asia are particularly at risk. These
                    increasingly apparent. These populations, often
          residing in developing countries, face heightened risks from  farmers depend on predictable weather patterns for their
                                                              crops, but climate change is making rainfall patterns
          climate-related events such as floods, droughts, cyclones, and  increasingly erratic. Droughts, floods, and extreme weather
          extreme heat. Without access to formal financial services,  events have become more frequent and severe, leading to
          they are disproportionately exposed to climate risks that can crop failures and food insecurity. In 2024, droughts in the
          erode their livelihoods and push them deeper into poverty.  Horn of Africa have already resulted in massive crop losses,
                                                              exacerbating hunger and poverty in the region.
          Inclusive insurance, designed to offer affordable protection
          to low-income and vulnerable communities, has emerged The  vulnerability  of  these  communities  is  further
          as a critical tool in mitigating the effects of climate change. compounded by their limited financial safety nets. Most
          In 2024, a range of innovative insurance products and  smallholder farmers lack access to formal banking services
          models are helping to safeguard smallholder farmers,  and insurance, leaving them to bear the full brunt of climate
          fishermen, and other vulnerable groups against the growing  shocks. When crops fail, they often resort to selling off assets,
          threat of climate-induced disasters.                reducing household spending on essential needs, or taking
                                                              on debt-all of which perpetuate the cycle of poverty.
          The Disproportionate Impact of Climate
                                                              2. Urban Poor and Coastal Communities
          Change on Vulnerable Communities                    In addition to rural farmers, urban poor populations and
          Climate change is no longer a distant threat-it is already coastal communities are also at significant risk. Rising sea
          disrupting lives, economies, and ecosystems around the  levels and coastal erosion threaten the livelihoods of millions
          world. However, the effects are not felt equally. Vulnerable  of people living in low-lying areas, while urban slums are
          communities, especially in developing countries, face the  particularly vulnerable to flooding.  In countries like
          most  severe consequences  due  to  their reliance  on  Bangladesh and the Philippines, where large portions of the
          agriculture, fishing, and natural resources for survival.  population live in flood-prone areas, climate change-induced

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