Page 8 - The Insurance Times October 2024
P. 8


           ECGC Downgrades Bangladesh to 'Moderate Risk'                       AI  Could  Revolutionize
           Amid Political Instability                                          Railway Safety and Effi-

           The Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) has reduced Bangladesh's  ciency
           country risk classification from "B1" (moderately low risk) to "B2" (moder-  Artificial intelligence (AI) has the po-
           ate risk) due to the recent political unrest that resulted in a regime change.  tential to significantly improve safety
           This downgrade will raise the insurance premiums exporters need to pay  and  operational  efficiency  across
           for coverage on goods and services bound for Bangladesh. Despite this,  India's vast railway network. AI's abil-
           Bangladesh remains within the "open cover" category, which allows ex-  ity to automate obstacle detection in
           porter-policyholders to obtain insurance on more favorable terms.   real time, using onboard sensor data,
                                                                               could prevent accidents by identifying
           India's exports to Bangladesh amounted to $11.065 billion in FY24, repre-
           senting 2.53% of the country's total exports of $437 billion. In a communi-  and responding to potential hazards
           cation to banks and policyholders, ECGC stated, "It has been decided to  more effectively than current systems.
           modify the risk classification of Bangladesh under short-term and medium-  This application of AI could dramatically
           to-long-term with effect from 08.08.2024."                          enhance the safety of the millions of
                                                                               passengers who rely on Indian Railways
           According to ECGC's FY23 annual report, Bangladesh was one of the top  daily, offering a major technological
           five countries for business underwritten by ECGC, alongside Cameroon, Laos,  upgrade to the country's railway infra-
           Nepal, and Saudi Arabia. Bangladesh also accounts for approximately a  structure. As AI technology advances,
           quarter of the $32 billion concessional lines of credit extended by the In-  its role in ensuring safe and efficient rail
           dian government.
                                                                               travel is expected to expand.

         Government Mulls Over              regulations, such as the requirement for  Road Accidents Respon-
                                            Indian nationals to hold key manage-
         100% FDI in Insurance as           ment positions, are also under review.  sible for 43% of Uninten-
         Political  Considerations          The  government  has  yet  to  set  a tional Injury Deaths, Says

         Continue                           timeline for these amendments, but  Health Ministry Report
         The government is currently in discus-  the department for promotion of in-  A new report from the Ministry of
         sions to raise the foreign direct invest-  dustry and internal trade is conducting  Health has revealed that road acci-
         ment (FDI) limit in the insurance sector  a sectoral review to encourage unhin-  dents accounted for over 43% of unin-
         from 74% to 100%. While the sector  dered investments. The insurance in-  tentional injury deaths between 2016
         regulator is in favor of this change, the  dustry remains one of the few con-  and 2022, excluding the pandemic pe-
         proposal requires political clearance due  sumer-facing sectors that is not fully  riod. Sudden deaths, drowning, falls,
         to the need for amendments to the In-  open to FDI, in contrast to other indus-  and burns were also significant con-
         surance Act. Other proposals to ease  tries that have liberalized.    tributors. In 2022, the proportion of

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