Page 47 - Insurance Times April 2017 Special Issue on Newindia
P. 47

3.3. Addition of already approved riders to approved           those distribution channels which are being
                  products  provided  the  following  norms  are            added now. The change is limited to +/-
                  satisfied:                                                10% of the premium rates and benefit
                  3.3.1. There  is  no  change  in  premium  rates/         amounts under the approved products/
                        charges and benefit amounts of the riders           riders.
                        which are being added.                    3.6. Addition of approved unit linked fund to approved

                  3.3.2. There  is  no  change  in  premium  rates/   unit linked product provided the following norms
                        charges  and  benefit  amounts  of  the       are satisfied:
                        products to which the riders are being        3.6.1. There is no change in charging structure
                        added.                                              and other norms of approved unit linked
                                                                            fund which is being added now.
             3.4. Addition  of  premium  payment  modes
                  (frequencies) provided the following norms are      3.6.2. There is no change in charging structure
                  satisfied:                                                and other norms of unit linked product to
                  3.4.1. There  is  no  change  in  premium  rates/         which the fund is being added.
                        charges, benefit amounts and charging
                                                                  3.7. Extension of premium table to higher/lower ages
                        structure under products and riders to
                                                                      or to longer /shorter premium payment terms
                        which the new premium payment mode            and policy terms under approved products/riders
                        (frequency) is being added.
                                                                      provided the following norm is satisfied:
                  3.4.2. The  premium  mode  (frequency)  being       3.7.1. There is no change in premium basis and
                        added is monthly, quarterly, half yearly or         other  terms  and  conditions under  the
                        annual and that the resulting premium               approved products/riders and  that  the
                        amounts under each mode (frequency) are             same basis is being used for calculation of
                        consistent  with  the premium amounts               premium  rates/charges  and  benefit
                        under other premium modes (frequencies)             amounts under extended ages, premium
                        of the same product  and  other similar             paying term and policy terms.
                                                                  3.8. Change in minimum / maximum premium and/or
                  3.4.3. The  basis  for  arriving  at  the  premium  benefits amounts provided the following norms
                        amounts under  premium modes  being           are satisfied:
                        added is disclosed in File and Use in track   3.8.1. There is no change in premium basis of the
                        change mode and that it will be consistent          products/ riders.
                        with basis used for other modes for the       3.8.2. There  is  no  change  in  premium  rates/
                        same product/rider and other products/              charges  and  benefit  amounts  under
                        riders of similar nature.
                                                                            product and riders.
             3.5. Addition of new Distribution Channels provided the  4.  Procedure to be followed by the insurers in case of
                  following norms are satisfied:                  above minor modifications to approved products:
                  3.5.1. There is no change in premium basis of   The insurers may launch the modified version of the
                        approved  product/rider  except  the      product / rider provided the following conditions are
                        commission rates, rewards and expenses
                        under distribution channels being added   a.  The  existing  version  of  the  product /rider  is
                        now.                                          withdrawn from the market for new business
                  3.5.2. There  is  no  change  in  premium  rates/   before launch of modified version of that product
                        charges  and  benefit  amounts  under
                                                                  b.  A complete set of File and Use, Sales literature,
                        distribution channels already existing under  policy  document,  key  features  document,
                        the approved product.                         proposal  form  showing  the  changes  in  track
                  3.5.3. The change in premium rates/charges and      change mode along with certificates and other
                        benefit amounts, if any, pertains to only     documents as mentioned in Annexure I and II duly

                                                                            The Insurance Times, April 2017 47

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