P. 136

An enterprise should present a reconciliation between the information disclosed for reportable

               segments  and  aggregated  information  in  the  enterprise  financial  statements  (in  respect  of

               clause 1 to 4 above)

               Secondary Reporting Format

               Where primary segments are business segments

               Segment revenue from external customers for each geographical segment whose revenue from

               sales to external customers is 10% or more of enterprise’s revenue;

               The total carrying amount of segment assets for each geographical segment whose segment

               assets is 10% or more of the total assets of all geographical segments;

               New assets acquired for each geographical segment whose segment assets is 10% or more of

               the total assets of all geographical segments.

               Where primary segments are geographical segments based on location of assets

               The  following  information  (point  “1”  to  “3”)should  be  disclosed  for  each  business  segment

               whose  revenue  from  sales  to  external  customers  is  10%  or  more  of  enterprise  revenue  or

               whose segment assets are 10% or more of the total assets of all business segments;

                            Segment revenue from external customers;

                            the total carrying amount of segment assets; and

                            new segment assets acquired;

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