P. 36

3.  Adjustments :

               i)     For any expense being accrued or outstanding
                          (Respective) Expense A/c                   Dr.
                          To Expense Accrued A/c

               ii)    For income being accrued or
                          Incomes Accrued A/c                        Dr.
                          To (Respective) Income A/c

               iii)    For carrying forward income received in
                          (Respective) Income A/c                    Dr.
                          To Income Received in Advance

               iv)     For payments made in advance :
                          Expenses Prepaid A/c                       Dr.
                      To (Respective) Expense A/c

               v)     For provision for bad & doubtful debts :

           It is prudent to recognize the expected loss by reducing the current year's profit and placing the amount

           to an account named "Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts".

           The entry for this transaction can be :

           Profit & Loss A/c            Dr.

                   To Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts A/c

           When Bad Debts are written off, they are also debited to the provision account. Where such provision
           account is not maintained, these are directly transferred to Profit & Loss A/c.

           (vi) Provision for Discount :

           This provision account is created in the same manner as the provision for bad & doubtful debts. But the
           amount is to be calculated after deducting the provision for bad and doubtful debts from debtors.

           (vii) Provision for Depreciation :

           It may be provided, either by transfer of amount of depreciation from asset account to depreciation
           account and then to profit and` loss account or by transfer of amount of depreciation, directly to profit
           and loss account.

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