Page 23 - LIFE INSURANCE TODAY Novemver 2017
P. 23

Suppose at 55 you buy a whole life  If you stop paying premium in the first  pure debts funds, but at the same
         cover for Rs. 50 lakh sum assured and  three years, you may not get anything  time, you do not want risk with higher
         the premium payment term is 10     back.                              equity exposure, you can even con-
         years, you will have to shell out Rs.                                 sider equity savings funds — a fairly
         3.5-4 lakh every year. For 5-6 per cent  Surrendering at the end of the third  recently introduced category in MFs.
         return, the financial commitment in  year will fetch you 30 per cent of to-  They invest in equities, debt and arbi-
         these polices is too high.         tal premium paid.                  trage opportunities (basically equity
         Returns are poor in whole life plans  If you do so between the fourth and
         because they are basically endow-  the seventh year, you will get 50 per  The funds’ exposure in arbitrage op-
         ment products where the funds are  cent of total premium paid. The per-  portunities is about 30-35 per cent,
         invested in government securities and  centage of surrender value increases  which is to reduce the volatility in re-
         bonds. While this ensures that the risk  with time and becomes 70 per cent  turns from equity.
         is lower, the returns are also lower.  after 21 years.
                                                                               If you are ultra conservative, you can
         What also pulls down the returns in What you can do                   even look at post office schemes —
         endowment products is that they are  There are several financial instru-  may be PPF.
         traditional policies and the agent com-  ments today that can generate good
         mission and other costs are high.  returns on commitment of a long-   But if you can stomach some risk, you
                                            term investment.                   can consider corporate FDs. Tax-free
         On a gross return of 8 per cent, the                                  bonds can be a good option, but at
         IRR of whole life endowment policies  Based on your risk appetite, you can  present there are no issues open.
         works out to 4.5-5.5 per cent because  choose between mutual funds — eq-
         of their high cost structure. The other  uity, balanced and debt.     So, if you intend leaving a legacy, in-
         flaw in traditional policies, including                               vest that amount elsewhere and write
         whole life plans, is the very low sur-  If you are looking for a product that  a will, making your loved ones legal
         render value.                      can give higher returns than FDs or  heirs. (Source : Business Line)

          Frequently Asked Questions on Conventional Life Insurance _ Continued from page 14
          least 2 to 3 months in advance of the  Q. What is meant by settlement  while the policy is in force?
          date of maturity of the policy intimat-  options?                    A. The basic documents that are
          ing the claim amount payable.     A. Settlement option means the facil-  generally required are death certifi-
          The policy bond and the discharge  ity made available to the policy holder  cate, claim form and policy bond,
                                                                               Other documents such as medical
          voucher duly signed and witnessed  to receive the maturity proceeds in a  attendant's certificate, hospital cer-
          are to be returned to the insurance  defined manner (the terms and condi-  tificate, employer's certificate, police
          company immediately so that the in-  tions are specified in advance at the  inquest report, post mortem report
          surance company will be able to make  inception of the contract).    etc could be called for, as applicable.
          payment. If the policy is assigned in                                The claim requirements are usually
          favour of any other person the claim  Q. What documents are gener-   disclosed in the policy bond.
          amount will be paid only to the as-  ally required to be submitted in
          signee who will give the discharge.  case of death of life assured   Courtesy IRDA

         Life Insurance Today                        November 2017                                            23

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